Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
The First Ever Pokémon Showcase

After the days of the Pokemon Summer Camp, everyone went their separate ways once more for their journey. The Takashi and Flora family are reunited once they set off for their journey. Jake got his badge from Korrina, a Fighting-Type Gym Leader who specialises in Fight-Type Pokémon. Delilah encounters Alain once again and battles but Delilah ends up winning yet again. Soon after they saw something in the distance. It was a place for the Pokémon Showcase!

“Kawamoto! There it is!” Naoki shouted. “This must be the place.”

“Ooooh! I can't wait to enter!” “Bruh, the rules stated that only female participants are allowed to enter. You haven’t remembered what I told you back in the Hoenn region?”

“I thought I knew that voice from somewhere!” A voice spoke as Delilah looked and waved at them. It was Gloria, Yuna and Luka! “Hey guys! How is it going after the summer camp?” Luka asked as Jake told him of all their adventures. “Wait so you mean the fifth gym leader is MIA until then…? AWW SHUCKS!” Luka snapped his fingers. “I just got my fourth gym badge and was planning to go to the fifth gym.”

“I was too, to be frankly honest, but that will wait for a while until then.” Delilah replied as Luka sighed. “Pichu chu, Pichu.” “You’re right Pichu… I guess we have to stick with Delilah’s group for now. If you guys don’t mind us tagging along.”

“Of course, you’re all welcome to join our group.” Naoki smiled happily as Kawamoto looked at the Pokemon Showcase building. Luka looked at the building as well. “I’m not that interested to watch that. I want to do gym battles!”


“But Luka, you are going to have to wait until the fifth gym leader returns.” Yuna reminded him as Luka and Pichu sighed. “You’re right Yuna…” “Pichu..” Just then, Kawamoto got an idea. He turned to Delilah and walked up to her. “Delilah, enter the Pokémon showcase! Please!”

“W-What!? Me!? I umm… I don’t think I would be suitable to do this…”

“You got to try it!” Julie gleamed her eyes at her. Delilah was shocked about this suggestion. First Kawamoto and now Julie begging her to try it out. “I don’t think Delilah would be suited for these events mind you.” Luka sweat dropped as Yuna and Gloria looked at each other. “Okay, okay, okay! I will enter the Pokémon Showcase on one condition… If it’s fun and if I win, I’ll keep going until I reach my end of the bargain. If I lose my first one, I won’t do this ever again. Got it?”

“THANK YOU SO MUCH!” Julie and Kawamoto smiled with gleaming in their eyes as Jake sweat dropped.

Soon enough, Delilah and the group entered the building to get her registration done with the help from Yuna and Gloria. Just then, they heard a voice that Gloria and Yuna knew who the voice belonged to. It was none other that Aria herself.

“What are you two doing here?” She asked them and then quickly looked at Delilah. “Oh wait a minute! You’re Delilah Floria! I hope this is your first time because you will lose to this. I swear it.” She then took off as Yuna glared at her. “The flipping audacity of her… Tch! Never mind her, we gotta find you a good outfit for the showcase!”

“Let me call my mom for a bit…” Delilah said as she went to the nearest Pokémon to call her mother and give an update about the journey.

“Oh Delilah! How was the summer camp? I heard you got yourself a unique summer camp badge for what happened a few days ago.” Her mother said as Delilah told her all about it. Then she saw the mayor and gave more info about the journey and the trainer Alain.

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