Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Delilah's True Resolve

As our group headed to Shalour City, Julie caught herself a new Pokémon on the way there. That new Pokémon Julie caught was none other than a Vulpix. Flareon was super happy when Vulpix was part of Julie's team. Julie caught Vulpix in an Ultra Ball that Miyoki lent it to her for that moment of time. Natasha also got herself a new Pokémon as well, two new Pokémon in fact. She caught herself a shiny Doublade in a Luxury Ball and caught herself a shiny Absol and she decided to nickname her female shiny Absol, Ruby. As the group manage their way into Shalour City, they are reunited with Ash and the gang surprisingly.

"Ashley! How are you? It's been a while since we first met each other at the Pokemon Summer Camp." Luka greeted them as Clemont saw Yuna and waves at her. "H-Hi Yuna..."

"Clemont is in love~, Clemont is in love~" Julie and Bonnie sang in sync as Ashley scolded them to leave their business alone. Delilah giggled at the fact that Ashley scolded them for the first time. Just as soon as they group up once again, Serena asks Delilah for tips for the Pokémon Showcase. Ashley then sees a man in a brown cloak and gently nudges Jake. "W-Who's that person?"

Jake looked and his eyes widened in shock. "It can't be! F-Father...?!"

"Father?! Where?" Delilah heard what Jake said and looked around.

"Oh that's right... The 'mission'..." Naoki said as he saw the man in the brown cloak as well. "Wait a minute! Guys! We have to be somewhere out of sight."

"Huh why?"

"I know why.." Julie spoke as she looked at the man in the brown cloak. Everyone looked at it as the man in the brown cloak nodded and went somewhere. Delilah ran to follow his lead. "Delilah!" Ash shouted as he chased after her. Soon the gang followed them as well. Once the gang were out of sight and far from the city, the man in the brown cloak took off his hood as Julie, Delilah and Jake gasped softly.

"F-Father...?!" Jake looked at him confused. "Y-You're here!?"

"Ssshhhh! Keep your voices down." Their father spoke. "I don't want to get caught again by Team Flare."

"Mr. Flora, are you okay?" Miyoko gently checked him for his injuries. "Besides the beatings by the Team Flare grunts, I'm fine overall thanks to Alain and Mairin."

'Alain did it! He truly kept his word like Jake would say!' Delilah thought as she hugged her father and started to cry. "D-Did you know how much mom missed you father!? Julie missed you as well! And so does Jake and our friends! B-But..! I'm the one who missed you the most!"

Everyone watched the family reunion as Jake gave a call to the mayor about the surprise. The mayor was shocked while Cecelia, their mother, was crying in joy and relief to hear her husband is safe and sound. Then the group traveled to Shalour's City Pokemon Center to talk a bit more. "Ah, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself to you all. My name is Jeremy Flora, father of Jake and Delilah, uncle of Julie, and the former Kalos Pokémon Champion of the Kalos region. I understand you may have questions to ask me so ask away and I will answer the best I can."

"How did you get captured by them?" Ashley asked as Jeremy closed his eyes.

"Now where do I start...? It was when I arrived in Kalos and was traveling my way to see Sycamore at his lab as planned. On the way there, some guy disguised himself as one of the shopkeepers persuaded me to go into a jewelry store. I shook my head no as I walked by. That's when I turned my back quickly and was captured by them. Luckily, my Pokémon are safe in Looker's hands until I go back with Sycamore. They put me in a cell, at the basement of Lysandre's office where no one could see. I was about to die without food or water until a kind Trainer suddenly walked to my cell and gave me food and water."

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