Chapter 4

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This chapter will be a trigger warning, because it is going to have some dark themes mentioning about sexual assault. Even those Pokémon is a light hearted show it also has dark themes like the mangas.

Chapter 4
Ann's Past and a Battle with a Trainer name Alain

    “What happened in the past Ann? I’m listening…” Delilah spoke softly as Ann took a deep breath in. The two have started to become such good friends since they first met each other in Lumiose City when Delilah and her group finally reached Kalos by plane. Ever since then, Delilah won four badges and Ann got three badges. Jake got his fourth badge recently after Delilah won it, Naoki is making sure the supplies for the travel doesn’t go to waste while Kawamoto daydreams to enter the stage of the first male Performer in the Pokemon Showcase. Ann began to wonder if this was the right time to tell Delilah something for the night, but deep down, right into her heart and soul, she knows that Delilah is a good friend and thus, she will tell her everything.

“It all started back in the Alola region… Kasper, Eleanor and I were originally from there. We were three best friends in a pod, always having fun at school, doing homework together and such… We even had birthday parties together. It was like this forever, but happiness doesn’t last eventually. It only lasted for years and months until something happened to my mother… Their fathers ruined her..”

“Ruined her..? What did they do..?!”

“Their fathers did something horrible… And I traveled here to avenge it for my family and mother… We suffered long enough.” Ann replied not giving her the details of what happened to her mother. “Did they…? No… They couldn’t..! I heard of a news that two men raped a mother from the Alola region… Wait.. Could that be..?”

“Yes, you are clever as ever Delilah Flora. The news you heard… That was my mother… She was raped by them and then she gave birth to my older brother Edward and my older sister Fuschia. Both of my older siblings never liked their fathers and when my father met my mother… He saved her and I was born. Both my siblings changed their last names to become with my father. Ever since after my mother was raped, things have been not easy for the all of us… Even today we cannot rest until justice is served.”

“Ann… I never knew you had a bad history with this… I’m so sorry…” Delilah apologized as Ann shook her head. “No, it’s quite alright. You have the right to know since you heard it back in the Orre region. I think everyone else heard it too.”

“Oh Ann… Look, revenge is not an option and you know this.”

“Still… Still I can’t rest until Kasper and Eleanor are dealt with.. They moved away from the Alola region after the news went live the other night. They were expelled from school as they traveled from region to region until they successfully landed in the Kanto region.”

“That’s horrible!” Delilah softly gasped. Ann sighed with frustration with her only goals of revenge. “I know they will be traveling here by now.. At the Summer Camp in just a few days…. That’s where I’m not going. We will split up here after this journey.” Ann stood up and walked into the forest. Delilah sprang up and sprinted after her. “Ann! It’s dangerous to go along in there! Where do you think you’re going?!”

“To find Eleanor and Kaspar. For my family’s revenge!” She shouted as the two walked far away from where they were. “Stop Ann! Revenge is NOT your only option! There are other ways for this! You can win this!”

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