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"Hey Aurora!" I look back at the mention of my name and smile up at Colby.

Colby is the handsome yet idiotic lunatic I call my best friend. He also happens to be one of my six cousins who attend this school.

The rest of my family members are either sleeping or at practice.

Yes, I'd rather have a boy best friend than a girl best friend. They are too problematic and dramatic for the most unnecessary things.

"What's up?" He slings his large arm over my shoulders and walks beside me to my locker.

Walking side by side through the half-empty hallway, my eyes connect with those stormy gray eyes that look nearly identical to a thunder storm.

Dario de Larentuz

His eyes seem to always hold a mysterious secret behind them. Something that has intrigued me since the first time I met him.

He's also an asshole who can't stand women standing up to him and bursting his humongous egoistic bubble.

He so happens to be the oldest of the De Lorentuz children. He's got a twin sister, Jenax De Lorentuz.

The rest are at least a year younger than them. All being 17-14 years old. There are a total of 8 De Lorentuz kids. two of which are adopted.

They are a big group.

They are feared-well, not as feared as my family.

After all, we are the Russian Mafia. I also happen to be the best assassin.

The psychotic bailarina

I didn't choose it; it was picked for me after I left many of my dead bodies with a little ballerina right in their mouths and waltzed away from the scene.

My favorite part

I wink at Dario and turn to listen to Colby, "So, can you please come with me as my partner to the ball?" I look at him and groan.

"I wasn't going to go," he rolls his eyes, "ty parshivaya skuchnaya suka." I punch his abdomen and walk away with my smirk.

(You lousy, boring bitch.)

He pulls my hair, throws me down on the ground, and puts me in a headlock.

"Yebanyy idiotskiy meshok s gryazyu," I groan and flip him over, now pulling my legs around his neck and stopping his airway.

(fucking idiotic dirt bag)

"Fuck!" He gasps and finally taps my thigh. I let go and stood up with my victorious smirk.

"I'll win next time, like I did last week." He slings his arm over my shoulder again and kisses my head.

"Keep an eye open at night, princess." I roll my eyes and stand in front of my locker.

I open my locker and look over at him. "Your dad is going to make you go, so you might as well go with me so we can leave together and go to this cool after party." He wiggles his eyebrows, and I sigh, giving in.

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