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I watch as Jayden and Knox fight.

she's yelling at him. He laughs, which only pisses her off even more.

she smirks, grabbing the spaghetti and throws it right at his face.

well, fuck.

if she starts we have to jump in and we also have tons of food we don't like.

I stand up and throw another fist full of spaghetti.

"food fight!" Colby announces throwing some at Presley.

"dead meat" she smirks, running up towards Colby and jumping on his back.

he gulps and spins trying to get her off.

the mafia members get up and suddenly use fists instead of food.

I'm so screwed. I move over to the left and dodge Jayden's fist.

this bitch is straight of bat shit crazy. I guess she's still but hurt about me fucking her ex. In all honesty I did her a favor that motherfucker was a no good fuck.

"woah, jay's your fucking nuts" I laugh, flipping the table and jumping over grabbing her hair.

I might be at fault, but hell, I'm not letting anyone put their hands on me, especially over some little Pennis fuck.

I notice Dario sitting and enjoying the fight. Teachers have now jumped in, trying to separate the de Lorentz from the Garcia and the Pierces.

I'm going to get so grounded.

I run over to the left, ducking the forks Jayden is now throwing my way.

I stop and look over at Dario for a split second.

I turn around, and now I'm not in a quiet excited mood; this bitch really threw a fork at Dario.

I glare at her, as she looks at me with anger.

"I'm going to kill you, you fucking psychotic bitch!" I yell, now running.

I run towards her swinging my left hand. She ducks and punches me in the gut.

I lean towards her and swing my leg beneath her, making her fall down. I begin kicking her, enjoying every spit of blood that comes out of her trashy mouth.

The doors slam open, and her cousins run towards me.

For god's sake, what a mood killer! Turning around, I wait for Jasmine, Carmela, and Carolina to come at me.

Before I manage to throw a punch, I'm thrown over someone's shoulders.


I let him whisk me away into the sunset.

"Dario, put me down," I groan, gripping his shoulder. He puts me down and grabs my face. "You're bleeding," he states.

I wipe the corner of my mouth, and surely enough, there is blood.

"You're not fighting anymore; you're going home," he says, grabbing my arm. "No, I'm not," I tell him, walking away.

he groans. "Stop being hard," he says, grabbing my arm and dragging me away towards the parking lot.

"Dario," I say, stopping walking and yanking my arm from his hand.

He turns around and looks at me. Those gray, stormy eyes only make me feel weird, hot, and breathless.

"I don't abandon my family, so you can head on home; I'll see if my cousins are ok," I say, and he groans.

I turn around and go back inside the school.

He should also have been sticking around for his family. After all, Knox is his brother, and hell, half of the De Lorentuz kids were in on the fight.


I'm going to kill Knox; the hell is going on with him.

I was going to deal with him and the rest when we got home; hell, dad would have done it.

But because little Miss Hot Head In front of me has morals, I have to go back in there and defend those dickheads I share blood with.

We walk towards the back side of the school, where the office is.

All of my brothers and sisters are lined up against the wall. On the other side are the Garcias.

I swear, if Jayden and Knox don't admit they want each other, I might just shoot myself in the head.

The Pierces are beside my family.

They are lined up like they are waiting to get their mugshots.


"Oh look, the bitches decided to come back." Carolina rolls her eyes. I look over at her.

She's more afraid of me than her own parents.

Jeez, they are quite a fucked-up family.

"Jesus, hurt much, honey," Aurora glares, holding Colby's face. He kisses her head and pushes her aside.

"I swear if I catch you on our street, you'll be going home in a coffin painted with your blood." Colby warns by stepping forward.

Jayden moves forward, but the guard stops her.

Aurora, however, seems to get even more pissed.

before she has the chance to pounce on Jayden. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her back against the wall.

I grab her face and make her look at me. "Calm the fuck down," I warn, and she stares at me with those beautiful big honey-brown eyes.

I step back and walk over towards the office.

This is going to take a while.

This is going to take a while

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