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I walk inside.

Geovanni De Lorentuz is sitting on his living room couch.

"Well, don't you look beautiful?" He gushes, standing and making his way closer to me.

"Thank you; are you ready?" I ask him; he kisses my hand and puts my hand over his arm.

"Let's go," he says, and I follow him out to his car.

We are going to go dress shopping for this ball. As much as I hate shopping, it takes too long.

"Any news?" he asks as he opens the car door for me. "None yet, but we managed to get his worker in on it, of course with some money," I tell him. He nods his head and walks around the car and into the driver's seat.

"That's great; it's better for us and not so good for him. With the evidence and people supporting us, we're going to do even better than planned." I laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Let's sure hope so," I say, looking out of the window.


"The red one is for you," Colby says, standing from his chair.

"Agreed; we'll take this one, Margaret." The fragile lady smiled and nodded.

I take the dress off and hand it to her.

We leave the boutique and make our way over to Victoria Secret.

"So when were you planning to tell me you and Presley are a thing?" I ask, and he tenses up.

"w-what? Dude, that's crazy. I would never date or whatever it is." He sighs and gives up.

"We don't want to tell anyone because of the whole family's distance; I mean, I know Uncle Jack and Geovanni don't get along too well." He pauses and shakes his head.

"We want to wait until Dario and Leonid take over the mafias so there aren't any problems on behalf of each mafia." I stare up at him.

We stop walking.

"Colby, my dad isn't going to think anything about it; if you want to be with her and really think it'll last, then he won't care as long as you're happy," I tell him, and he nods his head.

"I know, but I'm not sure Presley's dad is going to be ok with it," he says. "Look, it's now up to Presley to decide whether or not she wants to tell her dad; all you have to do now is support her and just talk about what you guys want to do next; no pressure, Colby." I pat his arm, and he smiles down at me, kissing my head.

"This is why you're my favorite cousin," I fan myself. he laughs. "Let's go to Pink and Victoria Secret; I want to get some things," I say, as he makes a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh, you child," I say, rolling my eyes and dragging him towards the store.


"Celeste, I don't have time to go underwear shopping; I'm not your boyfriend," I say, as she rolls her eyes.

"But you're my cousin; I need your help." I shake my head. "How the hell does that make it less weirder, Celeste? I hate it here." I groan, leaning against the middle dresser, which holds a hell of a lot of panties.


"Oh, will you shut the hell up, stronzo? you will stop, you will look, give an opinion, and that is it!" She says, I roll my eyes and follow her.

"These are cute, aren't they?" She holds up a purple lace thong. "To use as a handkerchief, yes," I say, she rolls her eyes and laughs.

"I don't understand why you're acting weird by this; I'm sure you've enjoyed pulling these off of the women you fuck." I stand back off guard.

"Celeste jeez, you are quite comfortable," I say; she shrugs. "You're not a little boy anymore, asshat; don't act like a 10-year-old." I shake my head and search for some bras.

As much as I hate this, I just want to get out of here as soon as I can.


As I'm searching for some cute bras, I hear a familiar voice.

"You'll look good in the white ones." I turn around and see Dario, with a beautiful blonde.

She has a model-like figure and beautiful, striking green eyes. wow.

I can't help but feel a ping of hurt and jealousy.

Is she his girlfriend?

Since when are they dating?

god. I'm so dumb for liking someone who's already taken.

Before I turn back around, his eyes connect with mine. He stands up straighter and moves his head to the right.


I hurry and choose some new lace thongs and bras.

Lingerie is clearly needed.

Before I turn to go to the registers, I bump into my hard chest.

"Woah, be careful there, Linda." I step back and look up at the stranger.

Oh wow, he's handsome.

Really bright blue eyes, brunette hair, and a beautiful, well-defined jaw line.

Who is this man?

"Are you okay?" he asks, lifting my face with his index finger.

I smile up at him.


Dude, he can't watch where the hell he's going.

He had clearly seen her.

I watch as he makes her laugh. He looks at her with lust.

fucking prick.

I don't like him one bit.

Why is she smiling so much? My face hurts just looking at her.


"Everything okay, Dario?" Celeste asks, patting my arm. I look over at her and nod my head.

"Good, can we go now?" I ask, and she nods her head and leads the way out.

She better not be giving him her phone. -

She already fucking did. fucking perfect.

"Why do you look like someone murdered your pet dog?" Celeste says, stopping.

I look over at her and raise an eyebrow. "Nothing, let's just go. I have this project I need to get done." I say walking away.

Why the hell do I feel angry? I don't give a single fuck about her.

Why the hell do I feel angry? I don't give a single fuck about her

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