• CHAPTER 12 •

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All the girls in the family are in my room, changing into their ball gowns.

All of them look beautiful.

My aunt's are all in the room beside mine, and all my boy cousins are getting dressed in Leonid's room.

My uncles are also getting dressed in a different room with my dad.

Weird arrangement, but it helps since we all like to reveal our looks to each other and exaggerate so much that our neighbors can hear our yells and whistles.

It's always like this for every event.

I love it; my big family is united and in the same mood.

"Aurora, it's your turn for makeup!" Vencilia says, I walk out of the closet, and they are all smiling at me.

"You look hot!" The girls all whistle. I roll my eyes and sit on the stool near my vanity.


We already hear the guys cheering from downstairs.

I peak my head out and notice my aunt Kira also looking down.

"ready?" she asks, I nod my head. "good, girls let's go" She yells into the room.

we all walk out and cheer. we all look amazing. "the read dress was definitely made for you girly" aunt Gianna says kissing my head.

"Women hurt up!" My uncle Alek yelled from the living room.

we all walk down in groups. Every man in the family cheering and whistling.

"Thank God I married you, woman!" my uncle Alexei says, pulling my sweet aunt Claire in for a kiss.

Every couple in the family kisses and hugs.

My dad kisses my head and says, "You look beautiful." He smiles proudly. I hug him and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you, papa," I say. "Alright, family, let's roll!" Uncle Ivan says, pointing to the door.

We all leave and get into four limos.


"Wow!" Geovanni grabs my hand and spins me around.

"You look fucking gorgeous," he gushes, staring at me. I laugh. "Thank you. Now shall we head out?" I ask, and he nods his head.

"Are you ready?" He asks, "Yeah," I say, looking at him for a moment. "You can do this," he smiles, kissing my cheek.

"Where are your kids?" I ask, and he allows me to get into the truck first. "They are already at the ball; I told them to be there before 8:30." He says this, closing the door and running to the other side.

He gets in and sits beside me. "Alright, Henry, let's go," he tells the chafer.

I'm nervous but also excited.

I can't wait to see the dumb looks on their faces.

I can't wait to see the dumb looks on their faces

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