• CHAPTER 18 •

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I pace back and forth.

I don't want to do this; but this will ensure she stays away.

or ensure your denial of love you have for her

I hit my desk and shake my head. fuck.

I'm loosing control, ever since she's come back my control has not been in my hands.

the doors opens and Leila enter; a smile on her face.

she isn't ugly but it's still so wrong on so many levels.

she also dated ravens brother. oh god. I need to stop thinking about this before I lose my mind.

"you called for me?" she asks, sitting on the chair infront of me. I nod my head.

"we're getting married" I tell her, she stares at me for a minute.

"uh-uh I" I cut her off, "I know this is sudden but I'm sure this is what you've wanted for a long time, am I wrong?" I ask, she smiles and shakes her head.

"your right, but you haven't exactly proposed, is this the proposal?" her mood suddenly sour at the mention of a proposal.

she deserved no big engagement from me.

I grab the ring I just bought for her and throw it towards her. she catches it.

"that's your ring" I say, she shakes her head, "you know I thought you were a romantic; I actually really liked Ravens ring, why don't I use her's for a bit?" she asks, I look at her.

I really want to laugh right now.

if she uses raven's ring then that will sure piss her off, but it's raven's not her's it'll always be her's and then next it'll be Auroras.

"no, that's not an option; you either take that or we don't get married" I tell her, she rolls her eyes but puts the ring on either way.

"how are we going to announce our engagement?" she asks, now excited.

"they should all be in the living room, the rest will find out through then" I tell her, standing up.

I make my way to the living room.

everyone is siting on the couch or on the floor.

"everyone" I call out, they all look towards me, then at Leila who is too close for my liking.

better get used to the idea your getting married to her.

"Leila and I will be getting married" I announce, they all stare at me in shock. "ty s Uma soshel, tebe tut nuzhen psikholog?" Alexei yell's standing and throwing his hands up.

[are you out of your fucking mind, do you need a psychologist?]

"maybe" I say, "but I'm still getting married" I tell him, aurora looks at me with an unknown emotion.

"perdoname padre, pero la verdad es que sos un cobarde; tu todavía amas a mama pero lo decides ignorar por tu puto orgullo!" she yells, walking away towards the stairs.

[forgive me dad, but the truth is that you are coward; you still love mom but you've decided to ignore it because of your pride.]

"YA uvazhal tebya Dzhekson, no bol'she net. ty zabyl, chto ona byla zamuzhem za vladom? u nikh dvoye detey, kolbi, prosti, synok." Lana says, shaking her head in disappointment.

[I had respect for you Jackson, not anymore. Did you forget she was married to Vlad? they have two kids together; Colby I'm sorry son.]

"dad, your old now; honestly do whatever the fuck you want. Just so you know mom is still going to be in our lives, whether you want it or not" Leonid says, leaving the room with Marisa.


I'm in my office, emailing a few business partners.

When I got out of my so called 'cage' I managed to create a new supply chain for myself and a few other mafia.

We buy off of Germany, and sometimes Mexico. Then we take those and sell them to other mafia, it's better that way, since those two countries know how to pass weapons passed the border with no problem.

England and Spain are a little at risk; the mafia wives both partnered up and told the border and government about their plans to pass weapons. cheating ass holes.

A loud knock interrupts my typing.

standing I close my laptop and head to the door.

I regret it once I open the door, "Raven, you have to stop him; he's out of his goddam mind!" Alek pleads, the rest of the Pierce brothers following behind him except Vlad.

he's not here.

not surprising.

"wait, slow down...what's going on?" I ask, closing the door and pointing to the living room.

these men aged very well, just like their dumbass brother; Jackson.

they are still taller then me, mostly with gray hairs.

"Jackson has decided to marry Leila, we need you to stop him-" Alexei get's cut off by Niki, "your invited to the wedding; Leila is sure going to explode when she sees you-" Alek hits him in the head.

"look, if he sees you at the wedding with Giovanni he'll break, and realize he still loves you" he says, stepping closer and grabbing my hand.

"no one will ever replace you Krasivyy" He pats my hand; I smile at his warm words.


"we need you to come back and be with all us, just like you were before" Niki smiles, "please raven; we need our sister back" Alexei says, "well you sure know how to barmbard a woman with wise and lovely words..." I pause, looking at each of them.

"what if he get's married? I'm sure he's still proud as he used to, he won't stop" I tell them, "we know what he's capable for you, he still loves you Raven; we know you know that" Alek says, I sigh sitting on the edge of my couch.

"look I can't promise anything; but I'll be there. Don't get your hopes up too high" I tell them, they all cheer.

"perfect, we're getting raven back!" Alek tells the guys. "ok, we actually have to go check up on the shipments, so we'll stop by with the girls next week?" Niki asks, "sure, I've missed them" They smile and kiss my head before walking out.

They made sure it was clear that I'm their sister; and a very well protected one.

I smile. I missed them, and I'm not going to let Jackson go that easily.

 I missed them, and I'm not going to let Jackson go that easily

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