• CHAPTER 15 •

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"How the fuck did she fucking leave?" I yell, my anger making me go feral.

"You were the last one to see her!" Leila yells, getting up in my face.

"You were," I tell her. I pace back and forth.

"You better pray to God she doesn't go snitching to Jackson," I tell my men, and they nod their heads.

Fear is evident in their eyes.

Our plan just got screwed.

"You will make sure you keep an eye on Jackson and make sure she doesn't come near him," I order Leila.

"On it, baby," she says, getting close and kissing me.

I lift her up and sit her on the counter.

"Leave," I order the guards.

Once the door is closed, I grab her waist and pull her closer.


I wait for her to enter the class, but she's not here.

I rub my bottom lip. I shouldn't have kissed her; she was vulnerable.

I almost told her I loved her. I do.

I do.

I'm fucked. Is it even love? I don't know.



I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

How does my life get flipped over so fast?

in one night?

I smile for a moment. Dario kissed me.

He kissed me and admitted he loved me-or almost did.

Do I love him?

Could love happen this fast?

I don't know.

I feel like I do; I love him.

I don't know.

But that kiss felt so right. He lied to me, yet I still care for him.



"I have my mom back." I smile. Marisa combs my hair with her finger. "I'm happy she's here, alive and well," she whispers.

"I can't hate her," I tell her. "You want to know why?" she asks. I nod my head. "It's because deep down you missed her so much and still love her so much; you can't find any bit of hate or anger towards her," she explains.

Raven always took care of me, and despite her not being my biological mother, she still acted like my mother; she is my mother.

Even when I was kidnapped by her father, she still took care of me and made sure I was always well taken care of.

I don't like seeing my dad suffer over all of this. He's hurt; it's evident in his eyes and his fighting.

he's distracted.

But I'm sure he still loves her; he just can't admit it to himself.

He hasn't taken off his wedding ring.

This is all so complicated; dear God, it needs to get better.

This is all so complicated; dear God, it needs to get better

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