Chapter 12

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Caution : Attempted Suicide

They went outside after finishing their breakfast, carrying seeds and shovels. They looked for a clearing in the trees somewhere close by to the bus. "Right here." Mr.Moor said, driving a shovel into the ground. The shovel's spade had been dyed red from defending the bus of intruders. Mr.Moor was a gardener prior to the alien invasion, so he has some knowledge on the best spot to plant their food. The group of kids helped Mr.Moor while his wife was back on the bus installing mesh over the windows so they could leave them open and not have to worry about insects getting in.
"Phew." Finn said wiping his brow. "Who knew this could be so much work!"
Mr.Moor laughed. "You've only done one hole so far and your tired? We have hundreds of little seeds to plant to ensure our survival." Finn's face dropped.

Over on the other side of the field Jasper and Dan were planting together. "You know I believe you when you say you're straight, right?"
"Yeah, sure." Jasper responded in a monotone manner. "I just wish," he stopped digging the hole in front of him, looking Dan in the eyes. "I just wish they would stop saying I'm gay. Being Christian and believing in God I don't want to be gay because I don't want to go to hell. Being gay is a choice anyways." He said as he resumed at the hole.
"Being gay isn't a choice you know. I didn't want this to happen to me."
"Why not? You seem to enjoy it."
"I think it's time."
"Time for what?"
"It's time for you to know my story. The reasons of the past which have lead me here."
"The reason why you didn't want to come out as gay?"
"Precisely. It all happened when I came out to my ex-friend at a sleepover. It was only a few weeks before we ever met. The first day of school we had after that sleep over everyone had known. It spread like the plague. No matter where I went everyone stared at me. They secretly flipped me off, and constantly talked behind my back. Someone had written 'FAG' on my locker with a sharpie as well. I remember passing some girls, causing one of them to say, 'Ew, there goes that gay guy. I hope he chokes on skittles. He can enjoy the rainbow one last time before he goes to hell.' I remember them cackling afterwards. They sounded like a hoard of witches, but they were more a group of dumb ass bitches. When I passed a group of boys one of them has said, 'We should gang up and gang bang him.' prompting another to say, 'No, he'll enjoy that dumbass.' I remember wishing that I could run away and tie a rope around my neck later that day. I wanted to hide in the forest hanging from a tree, but not as if I were flying." A tear started to form in Dan's eye as he reminisced. "When I went to class I was even targeted by my teachers. He gave out a pop quiz and said, 'If you are straight you only have one question, what is your name. Write it down on a scrap piece of paper and you will get a 100 on it. If you are gay you have to complete this entire packet, within 10 minutes.' He handed me, and only me the packet. Everything in the packet was tailored in a way where I had to choose the options like 'Sex is between a MAN and WOMAN' rather than man and man or woman and woman. When I went to the bathroom a group of boys had followed me in. They carried with them sharp objects to pierce my skin and ran away after they had carved fag into my stomach." He lifted his shirt. "This is why I always wear loose clothing that droops low, I don't want anyone to see my scars." He pulled his sleeves up. "These ones I made because I was sick of it and didn't want to be alive anymore. We moved here because my parents saw how much living in the other town was destroying me, and they couldn't stand to see me kill myself." Tears were rolling down his cheeks now and Jasper wiped them away with his semi dirt covered hands. "That's why I've waited so long to tell you. I needed to have trust in you, but I also wanted to prove something to you. I first noticed the cross above your bed when I entered your room and knew that you would have some sort of prejudice against against gay people so I've waited until I was comfortable, and for something like you saying that being gay is a choice to tell you my story." Jasper sat in front of Dan in shock, not knowing what to do. He wanted to say a prayer, but with Dan being so close by he didn't want to offend him.
"Hey, I'll be right back. I gotta take a piss right now." Jasper said as he walked over behind a bush. 'Dear God. Why the fuck have you done this. Why did you have to create us humans to hate gay people.'
Having his eyes closed he saw nothing, then all of a sudden he felt immense heat coming from in front of him. He opened his eyes to see that the bush was on fire. 'Jasper,' a voice called out in his head. He tried to listen for any of the group to see if they saw what he was seeing but then, 'They cannot see what you see, not hear what you hear. But I am here to tell you something. I did not say man with man, and woman with woman was not allowed. My words have been twisted, causing these false thoughts to be created. You should know that you yourself have been created by me as gay. Yes I made you partially straight, but I have also made you as gay. Do not take my words lightly, and do what you must.'

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