Chapter 10

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They arrived to Wendy's house and saw a girl hauling items towards them. Jessica met her at the door of the bus and kissed her lips. "Hey beautiful. Anything else in the house?"
"No. I got everything I could. I wish I could bring my parents, but I guess they treated me like shit anyways. Right now they're blacked out on the carpet from drinking too much liquor."
"Welp, that sucks. But there's nothing we can do. Put all your stuff in the middle. We have supplies to try to keep us alive. We have seeds to grow crops, and we brought filters to clean our water, as well as portable chargers so we can use the radio."
"Got it." Wendy said as she fully entered the bus.
"Hold onto your asses." Ms.Moor said as she began to drive.

The kids and Mr.Moor huddled around a map book giving Ms.Moor directions to a place far away from civilization. "Left here. Right at the second light." Jasper called out. They continued until they came to a remote location where they had good visibility around them. "Alright." Mr.Moor said. "Let's get painting." They grabbed paint and brushes then headed for the outside of the vehicle.
"Dan and I'll get the roof." Jasper said climbing onto a seat to reach the emergency exit hatch. He reached a hand down and Dan passed him the paint and paint brushes then climbed after him.
"So." Dan said. "Ms.Moor told me what she was asking you this morning when we were at your house." Jasper choked on his spit.
"What did she say?"
"Se said we would make a cute couple, but she made sure to let me know that you wouldn't have feeling because your straight." Dan began wiping the paint on the top of the bus.
"Why'd she tell you this?" Jasper asked in a panic.
"I came out to her and Mr.Moor because if I'm going to live with them for a while then I want them to know about me."
"But I thought you were afraid to come out."
"Well knowing Jessica was lesbian I knew that there would be a majority support because everyone seemed to be fine with her."
"So why were you scared only just yesterday."
"Well, when there's an alien invasion of Earth, you gotta do what you gotta do."
"Well I'm glad you came out. It was becoming hard for me to not say anything." Jasper said, looking into Dan's eyes.

The team completed painting the bus and got back on board. "Sun set will be soon so tomorrow we can plant the garden." Finn said.
"In the meantime I'll be the watch guard." Dan's dad said. "I worked the Night Shift so I'm used to being up all night."
"That will work. Wake us up if you see anything happen outside that we should be concerned of." Ms.Moor said. They all prepared for bed watching the sun as the sky's color changed from blue to yellow to orange then red then black. They had disassembled the chairs so that they can lay down on them without the barriers being in the way. Jasper and Dan laid down together in one corner right next to each other. They stared up towards the ceiling of the bus.
"I can't believe this." Jasper said.
"Cant believe what?" Dan asked. "An alien invasion? Me neither."
"Well yes, but no. I can't believe we were in my room the first day you came to school only a few weeks ago, and now we're laying next to each other on a bus fearing our lives because of aliens."
Dan sat up to look at him. "I can't believe the amount of times that we didn't get the chemistry work done. But I'm glad for it." Jasper sat up.
"Me too. I don't think we could've grown so close unless if we didn't have all that crap to finish."
"Hey," Wendy whisper yelled. "Can y'all be a bit quieter? Jessica and I are trying to talk right now, but we can't hear each other over your gay love story."
"I'm not gay." Jasper said.
"Oh really?" Wendy asked. "The way you look at Dan? Your eyes show your interest in him. The way you touch him is nothing that bros would do. You touch him in a way as if the two of you were a couple. And right now? The two of you are laying next to each other reminiscing how you met. You're gonna tell me you're not gay? Hard to believe it." Hearing Wendy's reasoning he scooted away from Dan, making room between them. His face turned red as he realized how close he had been laying to Dan.
Jasper thought to himself, 'I can't be gay. I just can't. I've never liked boys only girls. What's wrong with me right now? How have I never noticed how close I have gotten with him?' He looked over towards Dan. 'Maybe it's because of his feminine features. I bet that could have caused me to act how I have been.' Jasper thought of the many times he had played with Dan's hair, and how he would sometimes stare into his eyes never wanting to break the contact between the two. "I'm straight." He said one last time before everyone went to sleep.

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