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Hello 👋 everyone, here comes another time and opportunity to work and serve in his vine yard. We are equally happy 😄 that everyone is doing fine.

We are sad 😔 with the way things are turning out.  More and more people don't do their reviews and even after they have been given strikes, they still don't care. Well there is a solution to that.  We are sad 😔 to announce that it is all noted down any time you go against the rules, trust us, you will understand why were are not happy to announce this when the time comes.

Since the beginning of our short story of the week few months ago, we have been experiencing some really big setbacks.  All these are due to the forgetful nature of some of us, our negligent nature and plain lack of seriousness and discipline.  We have had to intervene and write stories we didn't expect to write at very odd times. This has made the work so heavy on. We realise that our audience on the different social media platforms especially Facebook are being blessed and our goal is been met, so we understand why the devil will be fighting it.  We won't stop,  instead we will come up with ways to oblige everyone to fall  in line. One of these ways will be *early reminders* , trust us, they will not always be pleasant and may sometimes come with strikes of course when you neglect the reminders.

#These are the names of the people who will write  next week. That means you guys have from today till next week sunday to write  and submit your stories.


After the above pair submit their story next week sunday, the following will submit their story next. That is around the 2nd of July 2022.


With that said and done, we will like to say that :

This rotation sessions ends on the 3rd of July 2022

And Our end of month prayer will take place on the 26th of June led by Sis Makiah.

Review instructions

The rules are simple;
• Follow your partner if you haven't done that yet

• Read four chapters of your partner's book and drop at least 2 inline comments. We verify everything.

For example: I can't believe she actually said that. #WCWRC.

• No bullying or fighting.

Note: Constructive and not lengthy reviews please!

To help you do a constructive review, we propose the following points;

> What you think about the title?

> What you think about the book cover?

> What you think about the blurb or story description?

> What you think about the plot?

> What can you say about the characters?

> What can you say about the grammar, vocabulary and punctuations?

> How much did you enjoy the story?


PriscillaYiadom4 :Keep Faith Alive & Oracle__21:Desolation

queenFaithofficial:  The link to light & EzealaChristine: Untill grace

PeculiarPraise The Sword and Key & JF_Abraham: Basic Christian apologetics

dilenu:  Healing wounds & Gift_OfGod:  Bound

Komfort88: Shadows & Wammiewrites: Kingdom Academy

JoEBiLL11:How to survive & Taiwolillyz:  Fate of a survivor.

Faulty writer and readers.

If your name is listed below, know it is because you have gone against one of our rules and you have been given a strike. Please do well to complete your task before the rotation comes to an end, because like earlier said, we are taking everything into account.

1-Danjumayohanna Read, vote, comment and review four chapters of the following books while following the above review instructions:

*A college seeress's Diary and
* The Sword and key  by PeculiarPraise
*Fate of a survivor by Taiwolillyz

2-Yzmarules Read, vote, comment and review four chapters of the following books while following the above review instructions

*Shadows by Komfort88
*Grace in dry bones by warriorkiah
*Untill grace by EzealaChristine

3-BamBam707 You were asked to review two books as a strike, you did just one, please go back and complete the remaining one book.





Please choose any book amongst the paired writers and review. Thank you.

With all this said and done, we leave you all to your task and pray 🙏 that God gives you the grace to do everything.



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