Announcement: END OF BREAK.

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Hello, WCWRC. 🤗😍

I hope we are all doing fine?

This post is to announce the end of our mid year break. This means that, we will begin rotation and all other club activities on Monday the 8th of August 2022.

Please, start sending in the books you will like to use for the rotations. ( In our inbox please)

Below is the announcement of the end of phase one of our short story of the week. We believe you guys already read it, but please go through it again so that you start preparing for your story with your partner.

This post is to happily announce that we have come to the end of the first rotation of our short story

Below is the statement of our report card for this first rotation, please read it carefully.

Let me start by saying that everyone did well but some did more than expected, some were average and the rest performed below expectations.

But all in all, all the stories were great and life-changing. Let's see the results.

85 to 90% of the stories went through spell check. 50% of the stories went through more than just spell check.

10% of the stories were outrightly rejected at the first submission and sent back to the Writers to either correct, change the story, or write up to the required word count.

50% of the submissions were done way later than the deadline, some were even to the extent that we had to give an extension and some did not even show up to write.

In summary, the result was 60% success.

Now, having pointed out all this, you can see that I didn't call names here because it is not necessary and I believe that we are professionals enough to know where we are faulted. Please check yourself if you are as guilty as charged.

For some of you, Faith and I called you out personally on this while, we just decided to let go. It won't be so this time around.

The reason we are pointing out all this is that they disturb our own personal and club activities in ways that we would rather not explain. And we are not giving up just because we got a 60% success.

Now let me go to the successes that we recorded on the platforms we posted the stories.

1, Every story that was posted on our Facebook platform reached over 200 people and it's still increasing to 500 which is the highest for now. We also had encouraging likes, comments, and shares from people who enjoyed the stories.

I even remembered Faith telling some of you the number of people your story reached and forwarded some of the comments that were made on your stories to you. Please, if she didn't tell you about it, you can ask her about it anytime.

2, We have an average of 10 new likes and follows on our page every day... And I can't say if it has happened to all members but I know that the performance of our short stories on our Facebook page has also increased the numbers of some people's followers on Wattpad.

Readers have been dropping comments and sending us messages, thanking us for the impactful stories.

Now, what about Wattpad...

We have also recorded almost as much success on Wattpad.

Now, as the person handling our Wattpad account, I noticed that some of you didn't read, vote, or comment on each other's story even as a show of love and support for one another... But it didn't stop the short stories on Wattpad to thrive as well. Just as we intended, we had external people who had been following up on all the stories, voting, and dropping wonderful and encouraging comments to the authors and WCWRC.

Some of the members followed up on all the stories and to them I say, God, bless you.

All in all, we acknowledge that all the successes are not by our power and we return all the glory to God.

Now that you have finished reading the review of the first short story rotation, it is time to move on.

These are a few things that I would like every one of us to work on before submitting our short stories

1, Make sure your story is up to the required word count which is a minimum of 1,000 to a maximum of 5,000 words.

2, Please make sure you write good stories and show them to your partners before submitting them to us. Everybody needs a helping hand.

3, Properly edit your work before forwarding it to us. Truly, it is stressful when you make us go through certain inconveniences or do those things that could just as easily be done by you. We are also busy outside the club and that's why we recommend reviewing with your partner.

4, Start discussing with your partner on the topic now and submit it on or before the deadline. Now that it is not yet your turn to write, I would like to remind you that you have all the time you need to finish your story and submit it on time.

No extension would be given again and no excuse will be accepted this time around except in the case of extreme situations. There would be a steep strike for anyone who doesn't follow these rules even up to the extent of expulsion from the club.

My apologies if this sounds too harsh but we would rather not have it any other way. All we need is for everyone to know their priorities and be dedicated to them.

Finally, please pray over your short stories before and after submission. As Christians, what kind of life will we be living without prayers? Remember that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. It is very crucial to pray for our readers and intercede for the Lost souls amongst them.

With all this said, I present to you our list of short stories.

Please read carefully to the end, do not assume anything because some people's partner has been changed to accommodate new members.

Remain, blessed brothers and sisters.

*The pairings*

The dates in brackets are when you are expected to submit your story. We have done this so that you can quickly remember your task when your time comes

Aquila and Priscilla: week 1 (24th July)

Praise and Julianna: week 2 (31 July)

Emilia and Peace: Week 3 (7 August)

Faith and Princes Tito:week 4 (14 August)

Tionpre and Janet: week 5 (21 August)

Komfort and Gift: week 6 (28 August)

Taiwolillyz and Bambam: week 7 (4 September)

Oracle and Delanu: week 8 (11 September)

Sharon and Joe Bill: week 9 (18 September)

Ezeala and Marvelous: week 10 (25 September)

God'sGift and Bukky: week 11 (2 October)

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