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Hello WCWRC!

Welcome back from our short break. I believe most of us took the break as a period of relaxation, as a result, we are now ready for our work in master Jesus's vineyard.

We thank God for protecting us. We have not received any bad news or lost any loved one or even property. All the glory be to our lord Jesus.

We announced last time that we will no longer edit or arrange people's stories because just like you all, we have our lives out of Wattpad and everything can not be done for you. This is another message: please make sure to edit your story and arrange it the way we arrange stories and publish. Check out the stories we have published in our short story collection and you will see the format in which it is done. Please, edit your story properly because we will see back any story that does not align with the rules.

We will no longer tolerate late submissions of short stories, so please make sure to submit them on time. We do our best to remind every one of you as you tend to write approaches but at the end of the day, some people still send it late. Like we always say, we are taking note of it all.

The following pair is writing next

Faith and Princes Tito:week 4 (14 August)

Tionpre and Janet: week 5 (21 August)

We will have our end-of-month prayer for August on the 28 of August 2022 and It will be led by sister Peace Abraham. Built_by_God

This rotation session ends on the 21st of August 2022

Review instructions

The rules are simple;
• Follow your partner if you haven't done that yet

• Read four chapters of your partner's book and drop at least 2 inline comments. We verify everything.

For example, I can't believe she said that. #WCWRC.

• No bullying or fighting.

Note Constructive and not lengthy reviews, please!

To help you do a constructive review, we propose the following points;

> What do you think about the title?

> What do you think about the book cover?

> What do you think about the blurb or story description?

> What do you think about the plot?

> What can you say about the characters?

> What can you say about grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation?

> How much did you enjoy the


dilenu The refuge & ZioniteWriter: Kingdom Academy

Highly_FavoreDii: 31 swords to fight with Jesus  & Komfort88 Shadows

Aqui-pretty: Greener Pastures & GloriaBoluwatifeArow: The Rehabilitation

PriscillaYiadom4: My prayer book of devotion and until Taiwolillyz: Fate of a survivor

Oracle_21 Desolation& EzealaChristinUntilill grace

queenFaithofficial: Right on time & BamBam707: Pieces of hope

PeculiarPraise: The sword and the key & JoEBiLL11: How to survive

JF_Abraham:Basic Christian apologetics & sharon_kay1: Still Royalty

Gift_OfGod: Bound & 2000_AD: All the places we could go.


Built_by_God Read Right on time by queenFaithofficial

11sunflowerchild Read pieces of hope by BamBam707

AnaMettle Read Bound  by Gift_OfGod

With all this said, please make sure to do your focus on time. we love you all, but Jesus loves you most.

Stay blessed, and focused. JESUS is coming soon.

CWRC ❤💞💕

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