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The8 POV:

*Change of Group :D*

"Hyung's, how do you think (Y/n) is doing?" I asked as I played with my food, DK and Mingyu looked at me then at each other. 

"I invited her to play over watch last night, but she just read my text and didn't respond," Mingyu sighed as he put down his utensils, putting his head in his right hand. 

"I tried to call her three time yesterday, and no answer," Dk trailed off, "Have you tried anything?" He asked as he looked at me with a little glimmer of hope in his eyes. 

"I tried to text her, but she left me on read. I called her once or twice as well, but no answer. She actually sent me straight to voice mail on the first ring," I frowned as I looked back down at my food, playing with it slightly. 

All of us sat in silence as the chatter of the rest of the dorm filled the small dining room in our dorm, none of us touching our food. A sudden ding rang through the room, all of our phones going off simultaneously. We all scrambled for our phones, just to see it was a text from Yugyeom and BamBam; both of them as worried as the three of us were. 

"I'm not hungry anymore," I commented as I slid my food towards the middle of the table, walking towards my room, sending multiple texts to (Y/n) in the process. Although we hadn't known each other for long, we would text each other when we couldn't sleep or when we just felt bored and needed to talk. Which ended up as us staying up most of the night talking to each other. 

She was like an older sister to me, and I couldn't help but to be worried for her.


(Y/n) POV:

I put my phone on focus, I couldn't stand the constant buzzing and phone calls. Every time I closed my eyes, every time I even tried to work on a song there would be buzzes and calls. The only person I wanted a call or text from, was Yoongi and he has yet to do either of those. I fixed the focus mode to where I would only get his texts or calls, but apparently there was no need to do that.

Sighing as I stared at the ceiling, my arms crossed across my chest and my leg bouncing up and down. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes, standing up from the chair and walking over to the window seat. "Idiots," I whispered as I stared at the Paparazzi who were across the street, waiting ducks. 

"Hey! Kid!" My mother yelled as she walked into my room, I looked over my shoulder to look at her for a second then back over to the people standing across the street. "You need to go and tell them to leave! I can't tell you how many complaints I've gotten from our neighbors!" she grabbed my arm as she dragged me towards the front door. 

"They won't leave regardless," I yanked my arm away from her as I made my way back into my room, plopping down on my bed as she followed behind me. "Even if I do tell them to leave and say some nasty things. It'll be all over the news, and Yoongi will get the bad hand," She huffed at my statement, then stormed out of my room leaving the door open. 

I threw my pillow at the door to close it, 'what a little twat' I thought as I covered my head with the other pillow. Yelling coming from the slight crack in my window as I snickered a little bit, my mom obviously losing a fight with the flashing and clicking cameras as I heard the front door slam, and an angry 'DAMNIT' ringing through the house.

My phone started ringing, giving me a slight shiver and goose bumps. I picked it up, answering with a little 'Hello'.

"How's my little sister handling things?" His voice sounded sad as I sighed, taking the pillow off of my head. 

"I'm trying Yoongi, but I have a feeling mom is going to kill me tonight. The Paparazzi have created a fort outside of our house," I sighed as I got back up from the bed, walking back over to the window.  

"They'll leave soon, they end up giving up sooner or later," I hummed as I closed the curtains, darkness enveloping my room like an old friend. "Jungkook said that you aren't answering your phone," Yoongi snickered as I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, the buzzing and ringing of my phone is going to give me PTSD at some point Yoongi," I commented as I paced back and forth in my room, "It either news channels are contacting me, or its your fans wanting to reach out, or some newfound haters. It's just a lot to take in right now," He hummed slightly as yelling on his end of the phone filled the silence. 

"Yeah, mom and dad have been blowing my phone up for the past couple of days too,"

"And you haven't texted them back?" I asked giving him no time to answer, "Typical," I snickered as he joined with me for a quick second. 

"Yoongi! Is that my little sister!" A bright voice rang out, a small smile creeped onto my face. 

"It's Hyung to you, Hoseok," He sneered, "HEY!" He yelled as I heard a struggle on the other end. 

"Hey sunshine!" Hoseok exclaimed; I could already see his smile. 

"Hey Hoseok!" I chuckled as I could hear him running away from my brother, "How are you?" I asked as a door was being slammed. 

"I should be asking you the same!" 

"I'd be better dancing, but ya know I can't leave my house without getting bombarded with cameras!" Pounding on the door rang through the phone as the smile on my face grew slightly more as Hoseok struggled to keep his door closed. 

"Yeah, I understa- AHHHHHH" he screeched as I heard the door open, and the phone dropping to the floor only to be quickly picked up and the door slamming quickly after. 

"You still there?" My brother asked, currently out of breath from chasing Hoseok through the door. I hummed in response as my brother tried to catch his breath. "Okay well, just have a bag packed and what not I have someone coming to pick you up tonight," My eyebrow raised slightly, but before I could say anything he hung up. 

"Okay then, looks like I'm going back to Seoul," I shrugged my shoulders as I threw my phone on my bed, grabbing the duffle bag on the floor so I could start packing. 

This will be....



Updated: Nov 08, 2022

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