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(Y/n) POV:

"You are trained professionals! Do your fucking job correctly! I don't know how man-" I folded my arms, and semi zoned out as I listened to the choreographer yell at my back up dancers for the 5th time within the past hour. We were getting ready for MAMA, he was already pissed that we had to recruit some trainees for back up dancers; now he was mad at the trainees (makeshift back up dancers) for messing up a dance they had to learn in 30 minutes. 

"It was GunHak sir," The trainees started to point to this one male who stood with his head down, all of them throwing one person under the bus so they don't get the back lash... Fucking cunts. 

"If you can't fucking get your shit together, get out of my room; we'll be fine without you," He pointed towards the door as he got into GunHak's face. I'd be damned if he laid a hand on this guy like he does me. 

I stormed up to the male, yanking his arm away from the cowering male making him face me, his eyes filled with rage. "I don't know who you are talking to MY back up dancers like that, but it ends now," I semi-whispered with my teeth gritting together, him ripping his arm away from me and pushing me backwards as he stormed out of the room. 

"And if I see any of you throw someone under the bus again, or if I ever see you glance at someone the wrong way; you're gone. I don't tolerate assholes," I looked at all of the trainees as they started to either look away or look down at the floor. 

"GunHak was it?" I asked as I looked at the taller male, him giving me a kind smile and a small nod. "Why don't you come dance to the right of me," I waved him over, him giving a quick bow before running over to the spot next to me as everyone else got into their spots. 

"Let's start from the top, but slow this time," I looked back to the other trainees, "Pay attention because we're only going to do this, 3 other times," Turning back around counting down from 3, before slowly going through the dance. 

It was going to be a long day.


"That was great guys!" I cheered, jumping up and down with a bright smile on my face as everyone also clapped. I pulled GunHak into a side hug, "Let's do it again tomorrow! Please get some sleep!" I waved goodbye to everyone, many of them quickly making their exit. 

"You can call me Leedo," The male next to me spoke, as I patted his back slightly and I hummed. "Thank you by the way," He smiled at me before he walked over to the far-right corner to grab his things. 

"For what?" I asked seemingly to have forgotten about what happened about 6 hours ago. 

"You stood up for me, I really appreciate it," He turned back to me with a sad smile on his face, "I tend to get thrown out to the big guys for other people's mistakes," I frowned, crossing my arms as I nodded my head. 

"They're just jealous, and that tends to kill the dream for many people. Don't let their bullshit drag you down, if anything, you're the best trainee out of all the ones that were in here," I smiled at the male as he nodded his head, both of us leaning against the wall. 

"It's hard because I truly believed that they were all my friends at one point," He got choked up a little, clearing his throat quickly to hide the tears that were threatening to fall. My heart broke a little, I took a couple of steps towards him, pulling him into a hug as I rubbed his back. "I just want to quit,"

"No," I pulled away slapping his arm slightly, "You have too much talent to let go to waste, if you quit, I quit," I patted his head, he smiled at me as a few tears rolled down his face. "Don't let anyone else's mistakes and actions decide your future".

He smiled at me, before pulling me into another hug. I'm not the person for hugging and what not, but I can't just let someone 'suffer' by themselves. "Where's my girl?" A happy voice rang out as the practice room door flung open, I ruffled Leedo's hair one more time before mouthing a 'goodbye'. 

"Long John~" I sang out as I ran up to the male, a frown was on his face before he quickly smiled bringing me into his embrace. "What's up?" I asked as I looked up at him, him giggling as he ruffled my hair. 

"How many times have I told you not to call me that," He rolled his eyes at me before I held up both of my hands, him kissing the top of my head. "We discussed Oppa," I cringed slightly as I quickly shook my head. 

"No, YOU decided on Oppa," I emphasized the 'you' as I poked his chest, "I like Johnnie," I smiled proudly as he just rolled his eyes at me. 

"Would you both stop flirting," A voice groaned before doing a gagging sound, I smiled as I looked past Johnny to see Jaehyun with his arms open wide waiting for a hug. 

"Hai Hyunnie," I ran up to the boy, Johnny pouting at the nickname I had given the other male. 

"You give him a nickname, but not your own boyfriend," Johnny sighed, as Jaehyun and I laughed at the elder as he pouted.

"What's for dinner?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Johnny's waist, his left arm laying on my shoulders. Then as both of them shrugged their shoulders we started to make our way out of the practice room, and towards the outside world (lol). Both of the boys arguing whether or not if we should eat out. 


"Wah, that was so good," I sighed happily as I rubbed my belly as I leaned against Johnny, "The food baby is real," Johnny rolled his eyes at me as he pulled me closer, wrapping his arm around my waist earning a gagging sound from Jaehyun. 

"I don't even know why I join you two idiots anymore," Jaehyun scoffed as he crossed his arms, walking to the right of me while Johnny was on my left, closer to the street. "You idiots don't even try to hide it anymore," he frowned as he shoved his hands in his pockets. 

"It's literally midnight, there's no chance of us getting caught" I retorted as I stuck my tongue out at one of my best friends before Johnny put his hand over my mouth. 

"He's right (Y/n), there's always a chance we could get caught; but at midnight I believe it would be highly unlikely," He shrugged his shoulders as he took his hand off of my mouth, squeezing my waist slightly. 

"We'll worry about that when we have to," I smiled up at the male as he looked down at me with a slight smile, "Right now we just need to live in the moment, right Hyunnie~" I sung out as I put my attention towards by best friend, Johnny groaned at the nickname for the male; both of them now in a slight argument over who should get a nickname and who shouldn't. 

The three of us not giving two fucks about the people who were trying to sleep. Stumbling over each other, or barely being able to walk due to laughing so hard. Jaehyun ending up on the ground a couple of times, while I could barely stand while laughing at the boy. None of us noticing the sounds of clicking that followed us through the night.

Little did we know, the storm was just about to begin.


Updated: December 20, 2022

*you guys might notice that I changed Ten for Johnny, sorry but I feel like it would've been a better fit :,)*

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