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(Y/n) POV:

"I just fucking hope you know; Jin almost KILLED ME!" I slightly got louder as I pointed at the older male, him slightly laughing while rubbing the back of his neck. 

"You're just overreacting, how was the trip?" Yoongi patted my head as he turned towards Jin, completely ignoring me. 

"It was good, she just kept saying I was going too slow," He pointed over towards me as Yoongi chuckled a little, I crossed my arms over my chest while tapping one foot quickly. The boys conversing while I made my way into the kitchen to grab some water, only to be met with Namjoon attempting to cook.

"Whatcha doin~?" I asked as I quickly walked over to him, poking his side as he chuckled a bit. 

"I'm cooking," he looked over to me with a slight smile, worry evident in his eyes. I looked down to the pot to see whatever he was attempting to cook, absolutely black. "Do you think its edible?" He asked worriedly as he put it back on the heat, and I just turned the nob to off looking back at Namjoon. 

"Sir.... you have to add water to this," I laughed out as I spotted the ramen packet in the trashcan, Namjoon very frantic as he tried to justify what he did. "No, don't even try to defend yourself Kim Namjoon," I slapped his arm slightly as I continued to laugh, only to bust out into more laughter as the pot he was holding broke and fell onto the floor. 

"God of destruction back at it again!" Taehyung yelled from the living room.

"MY POT!" Jin screamed as he ran into the kitchen, seeing his dearly loved pot on the floor, the handle still in Namjoon's hand. 

"What happened?" A sleepy Jungkook walked into the kitchen without a shirt on, and my eyes went wide.

"Yah! Put a shirt on Jeon Jungkook!" My brother screamed at his younger "brother" as he covered my eyes, I struggled to get my brothers hands off as his hands were basically super glued to my face. 

"Why Hyun-" He paused and then hurried footsteps ran through the dorm as Yoongi took his hands off of my eyes. I turned around to my brother and started to slap his arm, him hurriedly trying to grab my hands. Yoongi eventually succeeded but not before his arm was a bright red. 

"What's that burnt smell?" Jimin asked as he walked into the kitchen, giving me a side hug with a little extra squeeze as my brother continued to hold both of my hands. 

"Namjoon tried to cook Ramen without water," I snorted as Jin scolded the younger male for destroying his favorite pot. "Typical," Jimin and I said in unison, him holding up his hand to try to give me a high five; but I just hit my head against his hand as Yoongi refused to let go of my hands. 

"How are you feeling Sunshine?" Hoseok asked as he joined everyone in the already cramped kitchen, I looked down at my hands then back at the sun himself. 

"I'm pretty decent," I shrugged my shoulders as he nodded his head. I tugged a little to try to get out of my brothers grasp, but he only tightened his grip instead of faltering. I groaned as I started to sit down on the floor, listening to Jin and Namjoon argue slightly and the rest of the boys laughing at what was going on. 

"And Yoongi, you let that girl go," My brother rolled his eyes as Jin scolded him, Yoongi letting my hands go. I jumped up celebrating my newfound freedom and running into the living room as the elders stand in the kitchen trying to figure out what they should fix for Breakfast/Lunch. 

"Hey shortie," Taehyung said with a small smile, looking at me in the corner of his eyes; trying not to take most of his attention off of the game that was put onto the screen. 

"I'm actually taller than Yoongi and Jimin," I scoffed as the male laughed at me slightly, still paying attention to the screen, "Just an fyi," I sighed as I leaned my back on the couch, watching him play the game I so much cared for; sometimes, when it didn't make me mad. 

Jimin and Jungkook soon joined Taehyung and I in the living room as the others helped Jin make food. All of us slightly humming a song as we watched Taehyung play the video game. Jungkook taking his phone out and taking a video, "it's for the group chat," he whispered to me as I nodded my head, continuing to hum. 

"HEY TWAT!" Yoongi yelled from the kitchen, and I looked over my shoulder to him waving me over, I rolled my eyes as I hopped up quickly running in front of the TV screen; Taehyung slightly yelling at me for running in front of him. 

As I slowly jogged over to the kitchen, my foot met someone's shoe and my face met the floor with a big thud. The wind being knocked out of me, and a groan escaping my lips as my brother busted out in a fit of laughter. "Ow," I mumbled as I turned over on my back, placing my finger under my nose as it started to bleed. 

The maknae line all peaking over the back of the couch, while Jungkook was still recording the camera facing me. Jin running up to me, to help me get up as Namjoon tried to contain his laughter and Hoseok started to get me a napkin; my older brother not holding back his laughter at all. 

I flicked my brother off as blood started to run down my face, Hoseok quickly putting the napkin up to my nose. "Thanks," I smiled at Mr. Sunshine as he nodded his head, rubbing my shoulder before he retreated back into the kitchen. Jin helping me walk over to my brother. 

"So, what do you want?" I asked as I held the napkin to my face, him just shrugging his shoulders. 

"Never mind," A smile grew on his face as my jaw became unhinged, Jin slapped the back of my brother's head for me as I was currently occupied with not bleeding everywhere.

"Bitch," I mumbled as I walked back into the living room, the three trying not to make eye contact with me as I sat down in the floor between Taehyung and Jungkook. My back meeting the couch as I rested my head on my free hand. 

"Shut up," I sneered as Jungkook and Jimin started to laugh slightly at my misfortune. 


Updated: Nov 08, 2022

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