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(Y/n) POV:

"You are under YG, do you understand me?" My manager asked as we stood backstage, the makeup artists doing final touch ups on my make up, "One little slip up and you could be on hiatus for a year, people have been waiting for your debut. Don't disappoint," I rolled my eyes at my manager, him shooing the makeup artists away as he started to shoo me out onto the stage.

The crowd was loud, they had been loud all day for all the other artists who have been doing their comeback stages. The floor slightly vibrating due to how loud the combined voices were, to say I was nervous was an understatement. I hadn't really performed in front of this many people before, which was nerve wracking because the biggest crowd was 13 boys.

"Get out there, and get in spot. Your back up dancers are already there," He shoved me slightly, I lost my balance at the unexpected shove.

"Going live in 2!" The stage manager yelled as everyone started to scramble, my heart was about to jump out of my chest. The stage manager grabbed my arm, walking me onto stage, giving me slight reassurance as the crowd went wild. "For all you know, they could be your friends," She patted my shoulder before she started to count down from 3.

I did a small fist to my back up dancers, them doing the same as the stage manager reached one. All of us going into focus mode as the instrumental to my song started playing, the bass flooding out the cheering from the crowd. My nerves disappeared in a heart beat as I started to dance, my voice ringing through the speakers earning more cheering from the crowd. A smirk planting itself on my face as I grew accustom to the sound, and the crowd. And before I knew it, confetti was flying through the air, as my dancers and I stood there trying to catch our breaths.

The camera catching my attention, giving it a cheeky wink and a finger gun, the stage director yelling cut. I waved goodbye to the crowd giving them the signature "Jin" kiss, as we all walked off stage. "Wow for once you didn't disappoint," My manager rolled his eyes as we walked further back stage, he couldn't bring it to himself to actually give me a compliment, how sweet.

"Good job guys," I smiled at my back up dancers as they all said their thank you'd, giving me small bows before they were handed bottles of water. "Where to next Bae-Hoon?" I asked my manager as I sipped on the water I was given by a stage crew member, following the male as we weaved through the mass of people, passing by fellow artists as we made our way out into the hallway towards my dressing room.

"Now we run over to inkigayo, and do the same thing again," He sighed as he checked his watched obviously in a hurry, "it'll be like this for the next 2 weeks or so, we'll be going to M2 as well," He grabbed his phone, quickly calling the driver to come around to the side doors to pick everyone up. My back up dancers all slowly catching up to us as the were immersed in their own conversations, a familiar name ringing in my ears.

"Yeah, I MinHo was kicked off," My heart sunk, the competition.... Oh my gosh poor Minho... I need to call him tonight.


Jungkook POV:

"WOAH DID YOU SEE THAT HYUNG!" Jimin yelled in awe as he slapped Yoongi's arm, all of us were gathered around the TV in my hotel room, to watch (Y/n)'s debut. And to say the least, all I wanted to do right now was to call her and congratulate her.

"She's a total heart breaker," Hoseok snickered as everyone started to slap the angry Yoongi, in awe over his little sister.

"That wink stole hearts tonight," Taehyun smirked at me as he poked me in the side, Yoongi grumbling as he kept getting attacked.

"What can I say, I taught her well," Jin shrugged, a cocky grin plastered onto his face. Him now being the target for the slaps from Hoseok mainly.

I zoned out, thinking about her. Thinking about how she was doing, how they were treating her. I haven't seen her in months due to her busy schedule, and us touring. I had grown to miss her, and grown jealous of everyone in our 97' liner group chat. They always found a Chance to go and see her, sneak off and what not. I can't even make it towards the door of our dorm, without Yoongi questioning where I was going alone. Or even get a chance to sneak away from practicing, to even go see her and it was killing me.

I missed her touch, her laugh, her voice, the way she complained when she didn't win a match of Mario kart, I missed our late night talks when she would spend the night in my room because she would fall asleep before she spoke her mind. I missed everything about her, and I couldn't help but think of her every second of every day. Me zoning out had become a regular thing, and the other members were concerned for me. They didn't know what was wrong, they could only assume.

"Yah- Jungkook," Namjoon spoke out, gaining me attention as I put my attention on him, all of the members looking at me worried. "What do you want to eat?" He asked, i just shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever Taehyun got," I smiled at the elder as he nodded his head, everyone now spreading out across the room. Jimin, Taehyung, and I still sitting on the floor.

"So what's wrong with you?" Jimin questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Missing a certain girl?" Taehyung teased as he ruffled my hair, slapping his hand away.

"No...." I trailed off, a frown making its appearance on my face. The two elders looking at each other, then back at me with smirks on their faces. "What?" I asked slightly agitated as the two just shrugged their shoulders, and saying a small 'nothing' in unison before they both got up from the ground walking over to the corner of the room to have their own little conversation, they were definitely up to something.


Vernon POV:

"Wow," My mouth had become unhinged as it hung open, everyone else was quiet as the ads now came on the TV. "That was...." I couldn't think of the word as I sat on the floor in awe.

"Amazing!" Seungkwan shot up from the floor, recreating what (Y/n) had done at the end of her performance, Hoshi and Dk joining in. "So sexy," He commented again as he turned around to the other side, doing the pose again.

"Noona is so pretty," Dino commented earning a slap from Jeonghan.

"You never tell me I'm pretty," Jeonghan slapped Dino again, the younger covering his head with his arms trying to protect himself.

"She could rap so fucking fast," I joined in, earning a slap from Joshua from my cuss word.

"Is he wrong?!" Seung Cheol tried to defend me as everyone up roared in amazement, commenting on her debut stage. I knew she was talented, but it never ceased to amaze me at how amazing she truly was. Minghao, Mingyu and DK had always talked about how incredibly gifted she was but for some reason I had never really acknowledged it.

"So what did you think?" Mingyu wiggled his eyebrow at me, I pushing him slightly as a slight blush flooded my cheeks. "Believe us now don't ya," He teased as he pinched my cheeks.

"That's my sister," Minghao cried slightly as Jun comforted him, Minghao wiping tears with his sleeve. Mingyu now turning his attention to the crying boy, to make fun of him. I was out of his attention now, "She's pretty don't you think?" A quiet voice asked, shocking me slightly giving me a tiny heart attack.

"Aish Wonwoo Hyung," I chuckled as I put my hand over my heart, him giving me a small 'sorry'. "But yes, she is," I gave him a smile, as he hummed in response before he put his attention back to his book, adjusting his glasses slightly.

"If you like her, you might want to tell her," He commented from behind his book, "She won't be single for long you know, boys will be flocking her way," he turned to a new page in his book, and I nodded.

I had grown to like (Y/n), this was true but I know that she deserves someone else. She probably thought of me as a little brother, which I'm fine with its better than not being friends at all. But part of me had always thought about the 'what if', and I wasn't wanting to explore that what if either.

I knew one thing for certain though.

If she were to ever fall, and get hurt by anyone or anything. I would be there to catch her.

I promised myself.


Updated: November 27, 2022

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