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(Y/n) POV:

"Guys shut up," Hushed voices rang out as I started to slowly wake up, my ears apparently being the first things working this morning.

"Hurry up and grab a fucking camera" A slap followed behind, along with hurried footsteps.

"Yoongi sunbaenim is going to be pissed guys," I slightly smiled at the statement, leaning into the warmth slightly humming.

"No just look how cute they are," A couple of flicks and clicks sounds were going off, okay time to stop entertaining them. I slightly stretched, slowly opening my eyes, seeing the boys hurriedly hide the phones. Seungkwan slapping the back of Dino's head.

"Morning," I mumbled, the boys all saying good morning back. As I went to stand up, I felt something heavy was wrapped around my waist. Looking down to see a pair of arms wrapped around my waist quite snugly. My eyes quickly shot up to the boys, each of them looking around, doing something else, or quietly snickering.

I quickly started to go through roll call of the boys, 'Horanghae' I thought to myself as I quickly turned my head looking over my left shoulder to see a sleeping Hoshi. "Yah," I poked his shoulder, him slightly stirring and I huffed. "HORANGHAE" I yelled as I poked his forehead, making his head move backwards. He quickly woke up removing his arms from my waist and bringing them up to his eyes.

"What Woozi," he mumbled as the members started to laugh, "What?" He asked again as his hands left his eyes, him making eye contact with me. His eyes went wide as he quickly stood up, immediately started to bow.

"I'm so so sorry (Y/n). Like really sor-"

"No, it's okay Hoshi," I smiled lightly at him as he quit bowing, looking at me in the eyes. Him quickly pulling me into a hug, with a few more I'm sorries. I looked around the room, slightly patting Hoshi's shoulders in the process.

"I still wish that was me," Mingyu whispered, Vernon smacking the back of the elder's head, which earned a giggle from me. Vernon looking over at me, giving me a thumbs up before walking over to Wonwoo.

Hoshi let me go, bowing one more time before walking over to the other two leaders who just started to smack him. I hummed slightly as I stood up from the floor, only to have a blanket thrown over me. "Oh, what the hell!" I exclaimed as I tried to figure my way out of the blanket. A pair of hands wrapped around my waist, and suddenly I was floating.

I groaned as my floating quickly became flying as whoever the person was carrying me, started to run down the hallway. A door squeaking open, and then quickly slamming shut. My feet meeting the cold floor, sending a shiver going up my spine. I peeked my head out of the blanket to see Mingyu standing there with his arms crossed, and my mouth was in a straight line as we made eye contact. "What was that for?" I asked as my left eyebrow raised slightly as I stood with the blanket around my body.

"I can see through the shirt," He rubbed the back of his neck, and I busted out laughing; he looked at me confused.

"I thought it was about you being jealous," I slapped my leg as I continued to laugh, "I just simply don't care," I shrugged my shoulders as I tried to escape him room, him moving himself in front of the door. Mingyu and I now having a staring contest, him moving his hand to the doorknob.

"Well, I do..." He trailed off, "Also, Yoongi Sunbaenim would fucking kill me. So please put on a shirt," He pointed over to a black shirt laying neatly folded on his bed, I looked back over to him with a 'Really' face. I rolled my eyes as I walked up to him, poking his chest.

"Open," I looked up at him, continuing to poke his chest as he stood there with a straight face. I hummed before I started to smack and punch his arm, the blanket dropping to the floor and his hand leaving the doorknob so he could try to protect his face. "Thank you," I smiled as I made my way out of his room, back down the hallway to the others.

"Frog Boy," I pointed to The8, him turning around with a smile on his face as he opened his arms. Walking over to him, quickly being brought into a hug as we swung back and forth. "What's for breakfast?" I asked as we both turned back to the rest of the group, all of them shrugging their shoulder. I nodded as I made my way to the kitchen, bringing DK and The8 with me as Mingyu slowly sulked his way down the hallway.


"Bye guys," I waved to the thirteen as they all ate their breakfast, mouths filled with food as they all attempted to say bye back. I quickly closed the door as I exited their dorm, smiling at the previous successful day. 'Favorite group met,' I mentally checked it off of my mental bucket list as I put my mask and beanie on before meeting the outside world.

Humming as I walked down the street, my phone making a few dings here and there. Bringing my phone out of my pocket to see notifications from Jaehyun, and I smiled.

So, you spent the night with them,
and not me?
I see how it is.... TRAITOR

The Beauty and The Brains:
Well, I wasn't supposed to.....
Pretty sure Yoongi is going to murder me.

Yea, Jungkook texted the 97'
group chat....
He wasn't happy either XD

The Beauty and The Brains:
He's being over dramatic.... He'll be fine.

XxxxX Street, Dorm XxxXxx
I sent you an address.

The Beauty and The Brains:
I refuse.

Too bad you do, Yoongi doesn't

The Beauty and The Brains:
But I need to shower, and I need PJ's.

Well good thing I have like 5 showers
And good thing you can probably,
fit into my clothes.

The Beauty and The Brains:
You probably use a 3 in 1.

So, is that a... yes?

The Beauty and The Brains:
Only if you pay for the Uber.

Done deal!

The Beauty and The Brains:
See you in 30 stinky :p


I groaned as I stood in place, Jaehyun sending me some money for the Uber. I quickly placed a request for an Uber driver, my foot tapping impatiently as people walked past me. I didn't want to stay in one place for too long, don't need anyone to recognize me. I looked at my wrist, to look at the invisible watch I had on.

It's going to be a long day.


Updated: Nov 10, 2022

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