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Third Person POV:

"20-year-old female, multiple fractures, possible brain bleeding, in and out of consciousness. Fell from 20 feet in the air onto concrete, supposedly landed on her feet," They rushed into the building, the sirens bleeding through the open's doors, nurses and doctors rushing to the girls aid as a group of males followed behind. 

"Clear the line for a CT scan and MRI scan, have them get OR 1 sterilized and ready for operation. Nurse Kim, have them clear my schedule for today and tomorrow," The female handed the clip board towards Nurse Kim, as they proceeded to hastily sprint down the hallway with the barely conscious female. 

"Y-Yoongi," The girl groaned out, gaining the attention of everyone around her, the girl trying to sit up but was immediately laid back down by the paramedics. 

"Hey sweetie, can you hear me?" Doctor Song asked as she bent down closer to the shivering female, the tears gathering up in her eyes as some blood had dried around her mouth, staining her lips. 

The girl nodded, "Can you tell me your name?" The doctor asked as she grabbed the girls bloodied hand, it making a slight crunch sound as she grabbed a hold of it. 

"M-Min (Y/n)," the girl whimpered, trying to use all of her strength to try to grasp the doctor's hand. 

"(Y/n)?!" A very pale male ran up to the stretcher, grasping the female's other hand as tears steadily made their way down his face and onto her hand. 

"Sir you have to let go," Nurse Kim tried to usher the male away from the stretcher as they started to reach the end of the hallway, getting closer and closer to where the male would have to say goodbye to his sister for possibly the last time. 

"Like hell I won't! I let go once, I can't and won't do it again," He protested as he gripped his sister's hand tighter, a warm hand being laid on top of his, which gained his attention. "S-She's the only thing I have left," He sobbed out, bringing her hand up to his mouth, kissing the back of her hand. 

"I'll take care of her I promise," Doctor Song gave the male a comforting smile as they came to a stop in front of the double doors, "Nurse Kim, please take him and the others to the waiting room," She looked back at the male, "I'll send her every hour to give you an update," The male nodded his head reluctantly, saying one last 'I love you' before he and the others were ushered away to the waiting room. 

"Alright guys, lets rock and roll," The doors swung open, sending the group of people back into a hasty sprint down the hallway towards the MRI and CT machines. 

None of them were going to be prepared for the long 24 hours they would be spending in the operating room. None of the boys were prepared to lose, who essentially felt like, their other half. 

No one was prepared for what had happened. 


Yoongi's POV:

I had never felt so alone, vulnerable, scared, confused, enraged or depressed in my life. After they had taken her back to the back, they ushered everyone into a small waiting room. Many of the boys were sitting or lying on the floor, no one has spoken a word to each other since we had gotten here. Many of us non-stop crying, some staring off blankly into space, a few had already run out of tears to cry so they had just sat there crying dry tears. 

Nurse Kim came in about every hour to give us updates on her, giving us the slightest bit of hope as she kept coming back; some of the news was better than most. Jungkook was the one to always spot her first and run up to her within the second, Vernon being right by his side. 

It has been over 24 hours since they've been in and out of surgery, our managers coming in and trying to get us all to leave at one point and not one of us had moved. They had called my parents, and they were expected to be in within the next couple of days because they were on a trip out of the country. 

"Min Yoongi," A female voice called out, I looked away from the wall over to the voice to see the Doctor standing in the doorway. I quickly shot up from the chair, sprinting towards her as the boys watched. She smiled at me, "Everything went good, she's in the ICU now," she looked over my shoulder to look at all of the boys, "You may see her, but only immediate fam-"

"But we are her family!" Jungkook yelled, I turned around to see more tears streaming down his face, his fist clenched as they slightly shook by his side. 

"I'm sorry, but it's hospital policy," 


"Jungkook." Namjoon spat at the younger male, the first time he had spoken since we left the event building. The younger huffed as he stormed out the room, making sure to bump shoulders with the female. 

"Would you like to see her?" She asked, rubbing her shoulder slightly as I quickly nodded my head, the both of us leaving the other 20 some odd people in the living room as we hastily made our way towards her room. 

"Now I do have to warn you, she is going to be hooked up to a lot of wires and tubes, it isn't going to be a pretty sight," I hummed as we stopped in front of a door, her trying to help me get mentally prepared for what I was about to see. 

As she opened the door, I couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved as I saw my little sister laying on the bed, the heart monitor consistently beating in the background. Letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding as I slowly approached the side of her bed, "We put her into a medically induced coma, it'll help her heal quicker, give her time to rest,"

I hummed as a tear rolled down my cheek, my thumb rubbing against the back of her hand. "If you need anything, the nurses' station is out the door and to the right," Nodding my head as the woman quietly left the room, more tears kept rolling down my cheeks and falling onto her hand. 

"(Y/n), are you there?" I asked between sobs, falling onto my knees as I held onto her hand. 

'Yoongi-ah, I'm here,'

"Ah-" I wiped my tears, "Who am I kidding? You probably can't hear me," I chuckled at myself as I wiped my tears, squeezing her hand with my empty one. 

'Yoongi, I can hear you,'

"Mom and dad will be here soon, maybe the next couple of days," I coughed slightly to clear my throat, "And I-I don't know what to do," My head fell as I tried to not cry more than I already did. 

'You can do it Yoongi, it wasn't your fault,'

"I know they're going to blame me for everything, and I can't help but feel that it is,"

'But it isn't Yo-'

"I know what you're going to say, but it's okay (Y/n). You don't know how many people are missing you right now, and how many people that were there for you when you.... Aish I shouldn't talk about it" I sniffled, "Just know that I love you, my little butterfly,"

'I love you too,' 

"The road is long (Y/n), there's a distance to travel; but we'll be here every step of the way,"

"I promise you,"


Updated: Jan 22, 2023

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