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Third Person POV:

"If you had never gone out, and just listened to us for once; she wouldn't be here!" The older woman got into her son's face, her finger poking his chest as he sat on the chair, next to his unconscious but stable sister. 

"My baby!" The father cried out as he kneeled down on the floor, sobbing into his daughter's side, holding onto her hand as he trembled slightly.

"She was happy and healthy before she left, before YOU left! Do you not understand that you ruined her! Huh?! After you left, she stopped being that happy and healthy girl she used to be! She stopped playing basketball and started composing music. She lost all of her friends, her grades dropped, she stopped eating with us for dinner; she became a ghost, Yoongi!" 

"Don't you think I kno-"

"And how would you know that? Huh?! You didn't speak to her for 7 years!" The woman's hand trembled, her anger continuing to grow more and more as her husband's sobs kept growing slightly louder behind their argument. 

'Please stop,'

"Because sh-"

"Because she texted you every day? She texted you EVERDAY, but you didn't even text her back; You saw every text message, every voicemail, every call she had made and yet you refused to reach out. Until you needed her," 

'Mom please'

"DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT I NEEDED HER EVERYDAY?!" The son shot up from his seat, slightly towering over his mother, still holding his sister's hand as he shook slightly from anger. The mother being slightly taken back by her sons' outburst.

"How dare yo-"

"No!" He poked her shoulder, "You do NOT get to stand there and blame me for everything! You do NOT get to use that against me! I was trying to protect the person I loved the most, and you know it! You just need someone to blame other than yourself! Have you even bothered to reach out to her, and ask her how she has been since she left home?" The male asked as he face grew slightly red. 

"That's not the po-"

"If anything, we're all to blame!  Don't you get it Eomma?! I did it because I loved her, I wanted to protect her! But you never contacted her because you were mad. You were mad that you had lost." The room became silent, the echoing of the heart monitor being the only noise in the room, as the father had now stopped crying to listen to the argument.

"Son don't s-speak to your mo-"

 "Butt out of it," The woman interrupted her husband, holding out her hand for him to stop talking. 

'Eomma Please listen'

"We all hurt her one way or another, don't just blame me for your wrong doings too," His voice trembled slightly, he moved his eyesight down to his little sister, "She was all I had left, when you claimed to disown me," the male sat back down in the chair, 2 pairs of eyes watching him as he tucked his sister's hair behind her ear. 

'Good job Yoongi-ah, I'm proud of you,'

"It took you, 3 days to get here," The male paused as he looked between both of his parents, both of them now looking slightly guilty, "3 days, and yet you still want to claim to be her parents," He scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

"We tried to get here soo-"

"No, you didn't," The boy eyes his father, lifting his eyebrow slightly, "You still posted photos of you on your little vacation. If you were true parents, you would have left everything and been here within the next few hours," He spat, both of the parents now dead silent not knowing what to say next. 

'Yoongi, calm down,'

The woman cleared her throat, "Yoongi, I'm sorry," Her voiced faltered slightly as she patted her chest, trying to keep herself from crying. 

"No, don't apologize to me. Apologize to her, you did more wrong to her than you had ever done to me. Our friends and her boyfriend have been waiting to see her for the past 3 days, so the quicker you leave the sooner they can see her," He let go of her hand, crossing his arms across his chest. 

The parents kissing the girl's temple and doing a quick sorry and goodbye before they left the room with minimal tears. What was said today could have fixed or ruined everything between the four as a family. The three not knowing that the girl was listening in secret, behind her slumber she was wide awake.

She had been trapped in her body, wanting to escape to be able to hug and let everyone know that she was okay. To let them know she would not be leaving so soon, and that she'll be there for life. Every time Yoongi would put the phone on speaker, as everyone would pass the phone around to speak to her; would make her want to wake sooner. But it wasn't her choice to wake up, unfortunately.

"The doctor says you're healing quickly," The boy smiled as he looked down at his sister, taking her hand into his once again, "Maybe they'll wake you from the coma," The boy was very hopeful after the news the doctor had given him that morning, before the parents had arrived. 

'I'm trying Yoongi,'

As much as the girl wanted to have her parents stay, she didn't have a way of saying but it was better if they had left. She wanted to get better quicker, and if that meant for the two to leave then so be it. Everything will work out, hopefully, when she gets out of the stupid hospital. She got to the point where she would count how many times the monitor would beep, or how many times within the hour Yoongi would get a phone call for an update. 

"You know, your lawyer got them the cancel your contract," He hummed with a slight chuckle, "And they're taking that stupid ass manager of yours to court for abuse, along with that choreographer. I just don't understand why you couldn't tell me," He scoffed once more, as he continued to look at his sister in hopes of a response. 

"As soon as you wake, I'm handing you a contract for BigHit; that way I can keep tabs on you. You worry me," He chuckled, the chair slightly squeaking as he stood up; the boy placing his sister's hand on her stomach. "I'll be back butterfly, okay? I just need to get some food before the boys come, I love you,"

'I love you too Yoongi,'

The male hummed as he shoved his hands in his pocket as he exited her room, saying hello to Nurse Kim as he passed the nurses station, the once unfamiliar halls now being quite familiar to him as it now acted like a home to him as he watched over his sister. The news of her contract ending, and the manager and choreographer being taken to court had spread like wildfire, making everyone stick to the girl's side. 

One's who used to be haters couldn't help but sympathize for the girl, flowers and Ryan dolls being sent to her dorm every day in support. Any money that was being sent to her, was being put towards her favorite Chairity. All that had been running through the news was his sister's story, and that had its ups and downs. 

He was thankful for the security at the hospital for keeping unwanted people out, helping to keep his sister safe. Many people understanding the privacy during this time, but there was always that small group of people. Yoongi would give updates every day to BigHit, who would then release a statement to local media. 

He kept (Y/n)'s phone on charge constantly due to the amount of calls she received from the boys, her friends in the industry, her old friends from back home, her BTS twitter fan page, etc. He wanted to make sure that when she wakes up, that she wasn't alone and that she had more people that loved her than she thought. 

For to him....

She was all he had.


Updated Jan 22, 2023

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