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(Y/n) POV:

"Literally I'm 5'10" and 100 lbs... they still think I'm too big. A fucking rollie Pollie could pick me up," I sniffled a little bit, trying to hold back my laughter talking to myself as I looked in the mirror. My ribs were starting to show slightly, my body felt the weakest it had ever been but here I am making fun of myself alone, in my desolate apartment. 

I had invited Seventeen over, tried my brother's group first but they're in Japan at the moment; so, seventeen it is. I bought a lot of food, that I can't even eat now, which I don't want to go to waste. I'll send whatever we don't use back with them, except my beloved rice. 

Doing a little shimmy in the mirror as I looked at myself, trying to get myself some more energy by dancing in the mirror. Non-stop training, and this stupid ass diet is really killing me, and that was no joke. Tossing my hair behind my shoulders as I did a couple of more poses and dance moves, there was a knock on the door. 

A big smile grew on my face, I had missed them... too much actually. It started to get to the point where I thought about them every single second of every day, especially my little frog boy. I quickly ran towards the door, stumbling a little here and there as my feet were sore. It had been my first official day off in weeks. I grabbed the door handle, swinging it open swiftly to see 13 boys standing on the outside, Seung Cheol leading the group. 

All of them looked surprised, but I had just swept that under the rug as I brought the leader into a hug, which I had desperately needed. He wrapped his arms around my torso and picking me up, to walk further into the apartment to let the others in. "My other baby~" Jeonghan sung out as he brought me into a hug after Seung Cheol put me down. 

I laughed slightly as he patted my head, sending me off to the other members. "Where-" but before I could finish my sentence, I was almost tackled down by one of the boys. I looked down to see a little frog hat, a head laying itself on my stomach as his arms were wrapped around my hips. 

I grabbed his arms to get him to stand up, wrapping my arms around his neck taking one of my hands to pat his head. "Alright you little Kermit the frog, it's my turn," Mingyu pried Minghao away from me, bringing me into a hug. I looked up at the male with a small smile on my face, I missed having to look up at someone for once. 

Going around and giving hugs to the rest of the boys, especially Vernon, he had a lot of things he wanted to update me about and what have you. After a while everyone was gathered in the living room, and thanks to Mingyu and Joshua they had a nice little dinner going as they chatted. Unfortunately, I was being tortured with the thought of how good that food actually tasted as I just ate my cup of rice. 

"(Y/n), I can't eat anymore do you want mine?" Jun asked as he tried to hand me his bowl of food, I could smell the spice from here. 

"Is it too spicy?" I smirked at the elder as he just rolled his eyes, taking back his bowl of food to only go back to eating it. 

"You need to eat more," Seungkwan scolded me, I looked up from my boring bowl of rice to give him a slight glare before paying attention to my rice again. "I'm serious have some meat," he tried putting some meat in with my rice, but I quickly pulled my bowl away before he could drop some in there. 

"I can't, I have a diet," I sighed as I shoved some more rice in my mouth, looking back up to make eye contact with Seung Cheol who looked beyond pissed. 

"Diet?" Hoshi asked shocked, his mouth filled with food. I nodded my head as I put the empty bowl on the coffee table, leaning my head on Vernon's shoulder. "Why would you have a diet?" Hoshi asked again, and I scoffed. 

"I've been asking myself the same question for the past month Hosh," Vernon draped his right arm over my shoulders, bringing me slightly closer trying not to get too close to me due to the stare Minghao was giving him right now. 

"(Y/n)," Seung Cheol called out slightly agitated, goosebumps going up my arm, "Eat," he shoved his bowl in front of my face, not taking no for an answer. I gently took the bowl, looking at everything inside it and instantly feeling sick. I gave him a small 'thank you' only eating small bites as everyone started to pick up a conversation. 


It was well past midnight, and since it was so late, I had invited the boys to stay over which all of them happily obliged to, surprisingly. Many of them pulling the sofa beds out, which could at least fit three of them each. So that's 6 taken care of and then the 2 air mattresses I obtained over my stay at my brothers' dorm. It should fit two each, so then there were three left. Vernon, Minghao and Hoshi. 

"Can that many people even fit on your bed?" Dino asked slightly amused as he made himself comfortable next to Jeonghan on one of the air mattresses. 

"I don't see why not," I shrugged my shoulders, peeking over my right one to see the three laying next to each other picking on each other. "Seems like it," I smiled back at the youngest as he nodded his head before saying a goodnight. 

Small goodnights rang through the living room space from each of the boys, the ones in my bedroom joining in as well. I turned the lights off as I gave a general 'goodnight' before disappearing into my room. "I call (Y/n)," Hoshi yelled out trying to get to the middle of the two other boys. 

"Not fair!" Minghao cried out as he tried to stand firm in his spot, trying not to get moved by the ferocious tiger. Vernon just laid there looking at his two elders with a look of disbelief on his face, he looked back to me pointing at the two arguing with an 'are you kidding me' face. I shrugged my shoulders as I grabbed some clothes and walking into my bathroom; not wanting to deal with the fight that was happening at the moment. 

"Yah! Move over!"

"(Y/N)!" Vernon cried out as a heard an obvious struggle taking place outside of my bathroom. I couldn't even leave for a second without two of them attempting to kill each other. Tiger agenda v. frog agenda who will win.

Walking out of my bathroom, the T-shirt I was wearing over taking the shorts I had put on, "Would you guys stop," I sighed as I tried to climb into my own bed, but Vernon stopped me as the other two continued to argue. 

"Minghao's turn Hosh, now go back to your side," I shooed the tiger away as he just pouted retreating back to the right side of Minghao. I crawled over Vernon, making my way between him and Minghao so I could sleep. 

"Night guys," I ruffled everyone's hair before laying down completely, all of them giving a small goodnight back. Minghao humming happily as he got his way, while Hoshi just tried to shut the younger one up. 

It was going to be a long night. 


Updated: November 20, 2022

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