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(Y/n) POV:

The dance instructor sang the song, while the boys followed his every move each of them in their own little world. I sat in the far-right corner, my knees pulled up to my chest, trying my best not to laugh at the instructors singing. "Alright now with the song," The dance instructor looked back to me, signaling for me to play the music. The music blared as the boys went through a quarter of the dance. 

I smiled to myself as I saw Jimin do his little improvised dance at the beginning. He just moves with so much ease, it amazed me. I looked over at the choreographer, and he held a thumbs up. I quickly paused the music, and he went back to critiquing the boys before he sent them for a short break. 

"How was that?" Jungkook smiled as he walked over to me, I tossed him his water bottle as I hummed.

"It's good so far Jungkook," I smiled at the boy, him smiling back at me as he held out his hand. I took it, him helping me up off the hard floor. He grabbed the remote from my hand and walked me over to the middle of the room. 

"Your turn," He chuckled, I looked over at my brother and he waved his hand to say 'Go on' with a slight smirk on his face. I groaned as I got into my headspace, trying to remember the moves. 

"Yeah, but what mem-" I got cut off as the music started to play, I glared at Jungkook through the mirror. Him and the other two Maknae's having a slight giggle fest as I danced. Hoseok joining in during the first couple of moves, Namjoon also joining in on his part. At least I have two people on my side. 

'Okay (Y/n), you got this. You danced contemporary for years, you got this,' I tried to mentally prepare myself as Jimin's improvised dance quickly approached. Hoseok and RM quickly leaving the picture, out of the corner of my eyes I could see my brother recording with a shit eating grin plastered onto his face. 

I looked back in the mirror as Jimin's part came on, ignoring everyone in the room as they stared at me. Completely emerged in the zone as I put all of my emotions into the dance. The thoughts of the parents I used to love, the time that was lost between Yoongi and I, the one true passion I had almost taken away from me. All the emotions went into that short, yet sweet contemporary dance. 

I stopped dancing because I couldn't remember the rest, but the music kept going. I looked down to the floor to take a quick breath, then back up to the mirror to see Hoseok and Jimin running up to me with a smile on their faces. "My little dance Prodigy," Hoseok sang out over the blaring music as him and Jimin brought me into a hug. 

Yoongi yanked the remote from Jungkook, quickly turning off the loud music. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around the two boys as they spun me around. "I didn't know you danced contemporary!" Jimin exclaimed as he grabbed my shoulders, shaking me slightly. 

"You and I need to talk after we're done here," The choreographer walked up to me, patting my shoulder. I just nodded my head, not hearing completely what he said. Walking back over to the corner, grabbing Jungkook's water bottle on my way, as he stood there somewhat shocked. The choreographer getting the boys back to the center to work the rest of the song. 


"He kind of set me up in a trap," I sighed as I stuffed my mouth with some Ramen; Minghao, DK, and Mingyu agreed to meet up with me on such short little notice. 

"Well, what did you say?" Mingyu asked as he grabbed some more meat, I played with my food as I hummed. 

"I said I would consider it, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to join the label. I don't know how I would feel about working with my brother every day," I shrugged as DK put more food in my bowl, I looked up at him with a 'really' look. 

"He's not wrong (Y/n)," Minghao pointed at me, "You're an amazing dancer, any label would kill to have you," The other boys nodded their heads, I took a sip of my drink still overwhelmed at what was offered.

"You could be your own group!" DK exclaimed as Mingyu and Minghao started to join in, now trying to convince me to join Pledis. "Anyone who says no to you, is a freakin idiot," DK avoided cussing as he rubbed my shoulder, I looked over to him with a slight smile. 

"Thanks guys, I just don't know quite yet. All I know is that" I took a slight breath as the boys put their attention to me, "I want to prove my parents wrong," A frown grew on my face before I shoved more food in my mouth, the boys doing the same. 

*An hour later*

"Thanks for dropping me off," I waved to the boys, them waving back before driving off. The cold air touching my exposed skin, giving me slight shivers as I quickened my pace inside. Warmth met my skin like an old friend, my smile only growing more as I made it into the boys' dorm. 

The door slowly closing behind me, as I took my shoes and coat off. "Took you long enough," Namjoon snickered as he ate some food, I rolled my eyes as I flicked him off walking towards the living room. Ruffling Jungkook's hair as I sat down next to him, touching his face with my cold hands in the process; him quickly moving his face away from my hands. 

"What was that for?" He asked as he brought his hands up to his face, where my hands previously were to warm the spots up. I chuckled as I shrugged my shoulders, leaning my body against his watching the TV screen as Taehyung kept yelling. "You're so cold," he mumbled as he draped his arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer if that was possible. 

"It's a little nippy outside," he hummed as his arm left my shoulders, soon to return after he wrapped me up in a blanket. "Thanks," I sighed in bliss as my body started to warm up, his hand slightly squeezing my left shoulder. 

I looked up to see him taking a selfie, and I put a peace sign up slightly smiling as the camera clicked. He turned his phone off, and we both looked back to Taehyung playing over watch, Jin now joining. Taehyung obviously upset at the game, yelling and tossing the remote in front of him. Jin now jumping at the chance to play during this round, him and Taehyung now fighting over the controller.

I chuckled in enjoyment as the two continued to argue about who should play, Jungkook rolling his eyes at the two. Sometimes I question on whether or not if Jin is the actually Maknae of the group, and not Jungkook. 

"Okay guys, time for bed," Namjoon walked into the living room, shutting off the TV, Jin and Taehyung groaning in annoyance. The two standing up and walking towards their rooms slightly arguing. Namjoon just looked over to Jungkook and I, "You just let them do that?" I looked over to Jungkook and we both looked at Namjoon and nodded our heads. 

The leader sighed as he wished us both a 'goodnight' as we both started to get up from the floor. The lights in the dorm, all shutting off and the only lights being the night lights scattered around the dorm. "Night Kookie," I hugged the boy before walking over to my brother's room for the night, not before getting a glance at his face. A slight tint of pink arising on his face and a big smile plastered on. 

"Night~" he sang out happily as he walked to his room, quickly shutting the door behind him. I laughed at the boy as I closed the door quietly trying not to wake up my brother.

"Well, that was the first time you called him by his nickname," Yoongi snickered and I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my pajamas, so I could get ready for the night. 

"Shut up," I smiled at my brother as he said a quite goodnight before going back to snoring. Sighing as I looked at myself in the mirror, giving myself a slight thumbs up as the events of the day replayed in my head. 

I got this. 


Updated: Nov 13, 2022

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