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(Y/n) POV:

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time today, my manager pissing me off every second he could get. It was my birthday, but he seemed to not give a fuck about the fact that I had plans. We had made somewhat of an hour drive, just sitting in the car as we made our way over to the famous 'Weekly Idol' talk show, which I was not so excited for.

They had always been known to abuse idols and seeming to somehow get away with it. My manager insisted, ever so lovingly, by shoving me into the car to go on this show. He was already pissed off enough because he had to pick me up from my brothers Dorm, so he had to make an extra hour or so drive. "Best behavior, and I mean it," He repeated as I just sat sulking in the back seat as I looked out of the window.

The number of times I had found a way to get out of this stupid talk show, was a stupendous amount. All I could say was that they were really persistent on me coming onto the show. I hadn't really dressed up, I just thrown on a jacket Jungkook gave me and wore black ripped denim jeans with some black timberlands. 

I really just didn't want to be there, and I wanted everyone to know as soon as I got there. This just needs to get over quickly, or I might rip someone's head off. 


"We have chosen the hottest rookie soloist idol to be on today's show, our producers helped us get them on the show today. She is known for her visuals, singing, rapping, and dancing. Also known as Min Yoongi's Younger sister-" Their introduction had felt like it was going on forever and ever. The short, stubby males making my stomach turn upside down in disgust as I stared at them with absolute rage. My manager slapping me hard on the back of the head to 'straighten me up'.

"Please Welcome.... Min (Y/n)," They both started to clap as I walked onto set, smiling and waving. I could feel my manager glaring me down as I walked over to the two males, going in to shake their hands but instead being pulled into unwanted hugs. I did my quick little intro, bowing and waving to the cameras before they invited me to sit down. 

"Finally, the famous Min (Y/n)," The both of them laughed as I gave them an awkward smile.

"We've tried, what? 6 times to get you on?" Doni asked as he hit Coni in the side with his elbow. Oh god this was going to be a long show. 

"Ah yea-" I sighed as I tried to find an excuse "I've been very busy, I have had a lot going on,"" Both hummed and nodded as they pulled up a bulletin of me. 

"So, while we awaited your arrival, we had some of our producers kindly search some facts about you," Coni Started.

"We've heard that you're the ace of boy group dances, but not girl group dances," Doni finished the others males' sentence, man they really do belong together in a burning pit of hell.

"I don't tend to like the girl group dances as much, I like doing the boys because they seem more challenging," Some of it was true, not a lot of girl groups had challenging dances. I had never really grown fond of the girlie type of group, all flowers and sunshine type ordeal. 

"So, you wouldn't mind doing a challenge for us today?" Coni asked with a raised eyebrow, I enterally rolled my eyes as I nodded my head in agreeance. All of us standing up and walking over to the empty space, my mind wandering as they explained the challenge. The infamous red hammer making its way out. 

"If you make it to the end, we have your favorite dish in the back waiting on you. You have three chances," Doni held up three fingers with his open hand, the red hammer in the other ready to strike, "If you mess up, you get a hit to the head,"

"I'll do my best," I smiled as I held up a fist, them all getting excited as they counted down from three. The music blaring through the speakers, Seventeens 'Don't Wanna cry' playing first. I frantically started to dance, as the music started to go faster and faster. I should have fucking listened to them as they explained the game. 

The music suddenly switched to BTS' Blood sweat and tears, my foot stumbled slightly, and I toppled over. Laying on the ground in defeat, as the two males sang as they walked over to me happily with the hammer. I sat up looking at them with an obvious death glare, Doni hoisting me up off the ground and making me slightly bow down so they could reach the top of my head. 

A loud 'thud' rang through the studio, as I fell to my knees grasping my head. "Okay okay up," Coni handed the hammer over to his co-host helping me up so I could do the next round. I was determined this time to get through the round without messing up, which thankfully I had succeeded, and my glorious food was brought out to me. 

Eating in front of my manager, him obviously disapproving of the meal I was eating because it was against my diet. "That jacket looks oddly familiar," Coni stated as he pointed toward the jacket Jungkook had lended me, Doni agreeing. 

"I swear Jungkook wore that jacket when he was on the show last," Both of the males looked at me as I inhaled the food, they had graciously given me. 

"Yeah...." I trailed off as I put my chopsticks down, "Jungkook let me wear this today, it's my favorite," I smiled as I remembered the boy nervously gave me the jacket because I was freezing my ass of in their dorm. I had worn this jacket multiple times before, and I would always steal it when I had the chance to. 

This had only given the two insufferable males a reason to pick on me for the rest of the episode, which made the whole ordeal worse for me in the long run. The food didn't last long, which you would have thought they were starving me...... Which wasn't a lie necessarily. They quickly did their outro, after the director yelled cut, I practically ran off the set. 

My manager doing a quick 'thank you' as he started to run after me, out of the building. There was no stopping me, I wanted to leave now and didn't want to stop to chit chat. "Yah!" My manager yelled after me as we had successfully made it outside. He grabbed my arm harshly as he yanked me backwards, I stumbled backwards falling on the ground as he still held my upper arm. "Listen to me when I call you," His voice was laced with venom as he pulled me up from the ground, his hand still grabbing onto my arm as we walked towards the car.

It's a never-ending cycle. 


I walked past every one of the boys as I walked into my brother's dorm, I was hurting so bad. From the bruises on my arm, to the drastic blow to the head from that red plastic hammer. I didn't even want to look at anyone. "Just leave her alone, those guys are terrible," Yoongi scolded his members who were following me. 

He was right, they were terrible, and they had always got away with the abuse. My manager had told me I was overreacting, but I knew I wasn't. I had never been a fan of the two males, and he knew my distaste in the two. The seven boys had also known how bad the two were, and I hope they could understand. 

I plopped down on my brother's bed, putting the cold side of the pillow on my face as the thumping started to go down slightly. My phone vibrating in my back pocket was slightly making noise against the bed, I groaned as I took it out of my pocket shutting it down quickly. The sounds of the boys slightly arguing, and pots and pans being clanged together were the only sounds in the dorm. 

The coldness of the pillow had really helped, along with how fucking freezing it was in my brother's room. Then it grew eerily quite outside, I took the pillow off of my face as I looked at the door. The light from under it turning off, and the front door closing soon after. Thank god, some peace and quie-

"(Y/n)?" For fucks sake. 

"What?" I mumbled as I put the pillow back on my face, the door creaking open. I didn't have to look to see who it was. The bed sunk beside me, and an arm laid itself across my hips. "Jungkook," I sighed as I put both of my arms on the pillow to hold it down closer to my face. 

"The others went out, I didn't want to leave you," I patted his head as he tried to pull me closer, I really just didn't want to be near anyone, but I could never turn Jungkook down, and he knew it. The room had grown quiet, but that was shortly lived as he passed out a few minutes later. His snores filling the room.

Taking the pillow off of my head as I turned towards him, moving his hair out of his face, a small smile plastering itself on my face. As much as I hated to admit it, I adored him so much. He had always seemed to make me smile even in the darkest of times.

He was my light in the dark. 


Updated December 4, 2022

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