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(Y/n) POV:

I walked into the practice room, sipping on some banana milk ignoring the music that came through the open door. "(Y/N)!" The choreographer groaned as I looked up from my phone to see the backup dancers along with my brother and his group standing, staring at me as the music had been paused. 

I quickly bowed, "Sorry, sooooo sorry," I drawn out the 'so' before I took the final sip of my beloved Banana milk. Jungkook slightly upset at the simple fact I didn't offer him any. The backup dancers trying to catch their breaths, BTS just passing around 2 different water bottles. "So, what's up home slice," I smiled at the choreographer, tossing the empty carton into the trashcan in the storage closet. 

"I needed you an hour ago," He crossed his arms across his chest, his foot slightly tapping, "Needed you as a backup actually, but I had to call in one who recently turned in his notice," He nudged his head over to the group of back up dancers as I hummed. 

"I told you she would be late," Yoongi snickered at their choreographer, as the elder gave Yoongi a slight middle finger, my brother giving him one back. 

"Okay well since you've got everything handled, I'll just be on my w-"

A hand grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me back. "Nope, you're going to stay and watch," He sat me down in the corner, everyone watching me as I sulked in the corner, wishing I hadn't finished my Banana Milk that quickly. 

The boys and the dancers get back to their places, the choreographer walking back over to me and taking a spot next to me. Giving everyone a quick reminder that what was expected, before clicking play on the remote and the music blared from the speakers in the room. My eyes being drawn to this one guy, oh my fucking god he was gorgeous. 

Staring at him the whole time he danced, falling into a slight trance at his beauty. He looked similar; I just couldn't put a finger on it. A small nudge at my ribs, "Yah stop staring," the Choreographer chuckled as a slight tint rose to my cheeks, smiling back at the elder.

"Leave me alone," I pushed him slightly, putting my attention back to the male as the Choreographer chuckled. 

"You need to go apologize to him Ya know," I turned back to look at him with a raised eyebrow, "He put in his resignation 2 weeks ago because he's staring in a survival show to be an idol. But I had to call him in," He pointed over to the male as he was trying to catch his breath, I hummed nodding my head slightly. 

The music came to an end, all of the boys were trying to catch their breath, some gasping for air while others were just fine. "Go," He shoved me slightly, everyone walking around catching some air or grabbing some water. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, making my way over to the male as he took a sip of his water. 

"Hey," I tapped on his shoulder gaining his attention turning his attention over to me, "I just want to apologize about me being late and you being called in," He nodded his head, drinking the rest of his water before putting the cap on the empty bottle. 

"It's okay, anything for these guys," He shrugged his shoulders, a small smile forming on my face. "Besides I just wanted to practice one more time before I left for the big leagues,"

"I'm sure you'll be amazing, you're an astonishing dancer," I cringed slightly at the word I used, mentally slapping myself, him giving me a small thank you. Both of us ending up in a small little conversation between everyone else, I could feel someone staring at me but chose to ignore it due to the conversation with the boy. 


"So, you auditioned for JYP?" He asked before shoving some Ramen in his mouth, I nodded as I put my hand over my mouth.

"Yea, just haven't heard anything back," I said around a mouthful, "It's been over a week and a half," I rolled my eyes as I shoved more Ramen in my mouth. 

"Just be persistent," I looked up from my bowl of Ramen, staring at him before shrugging my shoulders. "They like persistent, I even heard JYP talking about stopping auditions soon," I sighed as I put my chopsticks down in the bowl of ramen, leaning back against the back of the chair.

"I just don't get it, why don't I get a call ba-"


I looked at Lee Know with my eyes wide, him gesturing me to answer the call. I quickly pressed the answer button, bringing it up to my ear as the boy across from me shoved more food in his mouth. "Hello?" I asked as I stood up from the table, straightening out my clothes. 

"Is this Min (Y/n),"

"Yes, it is," I smiled, beginning to pace the room. 

"This is Yoon Baehoon, one of the talent recruiters from YG entertainment. I called about your audition to YG, and I do have to saw it was quite impressive. The CEO is asking to meet you in the upcoming days, he's wanting you to audition in front of him," A big smile plastering itself onto my face as I faced the quizzical male who was chewing his food. 

"Absolutely! I would love to! Just let me know the date and time," I slightly jumped up and down, the male joining me as he scooted his chair away from the table. 

"How is Thursday at 10,"

"That's perfect," Minho took my empty hand, slightly jumping up and down excitedly. 

"Alright see you then, I'll call you tomorrow with more details. Goodnight," He gave a quick sign off, not giving me any time to say a 'goodnight' back before he hung up on me. I dropped my phone as I wrapped my arms around the male's neck. 

"You did it!" He wrapped his arms around my torso, slightly patting my back. "It's like we summoned it," He laughed, I join in as we both let go of each other now jumping around my living room. The clinging of the bowls on the glass table ringing off the walls, and the sound of jumping vibrated the whole apartment. Sorry neighbors. 

"Well, who was it?!" He asked excitedly as he shook my shoulders. 

"YG," I smiled, but his faltered slightly as he let go of my shoulders. "What?" I asked as my eyebrow slightly raised, his smile coming back quickly after. 

"Nothing," He reassured me as he walked back over to the table, going to finish the rest of his food. That was definitely.... odd. I just shrugged off the odd encounter, going back over to the table to grab my dirty bowl. 

My brain going through a million different scenarios, how my brother would react, my friends, the 'haters', but most importantly....

My parents.


Updated: November 19, 2022

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