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A/N: Had a little heart attack when I went to write this, as I opened up 'my works' tab, and seeing none of my other books there XD. Forgot I took them all down to rewrite:') I had to tell someone cause no one that I know, knows that I write. Anyways back to story <3

(Y/n) POV:

"Mmm but I think that this should be here," I grabbed the mouse from Woozi as I moved some instrumentals around on their new title song, 'Don't Wanna Cry'. The male putting all of his attention on this song, the vocal track slowly getting drowned out by the music. He sighed in relief as he leaned back in his chair, approving of the new instrumentals to the song. 

"Thanks (Y/n)," he smiled at me as he rewinded the song, playing it from the beginning and I smiled at him giving a little nod. We sat there in silence for a few seconds listening to the boys' voices. 

"I'm always amazed at DK's vocals," I smiled as I leaned forwards slightly off my chair, getting closer to the computer as if the music wasn't already loud enough. 

Woozi laughed, "He still talks about the day you first came over, and beat him at his own game," I laughed with the shorter male as I remembered the time, I had met 3 of my closest friends. "He just can never get over it,"

"But isn't Jeonghan the quote-on-quote winner of that contest?" I asked with a small smirk on my face as Woozi rolled his eyes. 

"Through Rock Paper Scissors, yes." He groaned as he paused the music, "Jeonghan is an amazing vocalist, but I think I should've won," The man said proudly, sticking out his chest slightly. 

"Yea, you and your dolphin noises," I chuckled as he slapped the top of my head, slightly messing up my hair. "Where are the others anyways?" I asked as I rubbed the top of my head, fixing my hair quickly after. 

"The performance team is in the practice room, making the dance for this song," He paused as he pointed to the song, "Well it's actually Hoshi the others are there to give suggestions. They tend to come home and complain because Hoshi doesn't listen to their input," I hummed as I stood up from the chair, him following after me as we walked into the hallway.

Yelling and screaming coming from down the hallway, looking over to Woozi to see him not phased at all. "How have your try outs been?" He asked as we both continued over to the practice room, I sighed as we turned a corner. 

"They've been good, I just can't tell whether or not they like it," I shrugged as we stopped in front of a door, Woozi opening it up and the voices that were trapped inside started to flood into the hallway. Were they always this loud? I chuckled as I walked into the practice room to see the boys conversing over the choreography. 

"Frog boy," I smiled brightly as I called out to Minghao, his head quickly whipping around to face me; a smile appearing on his face as he ran over to me, picking me up. My arms wrapping around his neck, and my legs around his torso as he spun us around. 

"Where's my hug?" Hoshi asked angrily, throwing a slight temper tantrum as the others watched Minghao and I. I smiled at the angry Tiger boy as Minghao let me down, walking over to the temper tantrum, pulling him into a hug as I ruffled his hair. "Better," He sung out as he hugged me back, rocking us back and forth. 

I had become incredibly close to the boys of Seventeen, due to the 97' line and that was it. I had lived my dream of being close to my favorite band ever, besides my brothers of course. No offense to the other 97' liners and their bands, I love them all too, but I do have a tendency to love one group more than the other, sue me. 

Giving the other two a quick hug, walking back over to the shortest in the room, patting him on the head. Minghao just walking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. "What are you doing here?" Jun asked before he took a sip of his water, handing it off to the youngest so he can have some. 

I pointed over to Woozi, "Just helping short stuff over here," I chuckled as I put my arm over his shoulder, him shoving me away a little slightly agitated. 

"I asked for her help for 'Don't Wanna Cry', thought it was missing something," Woozi rolled his eyes, now rethinking his decision of asking me for help after getting made fun of. The others nodded their heads, the water bottle now being handed to me. I held it up to the boy behind me, but I heard him say a little 'no', I handed it back to Jun. 

"Noona how is your try outs going?" Dino asked as he walked up to me, bringing me into a hug. Everyone is just wanting attention today I reckon; Dino has every right to attention being the baby. 

I hummed, "They're good," I smiled down at the boy, Minghao bringing his hand up slapping the younger boy on top of his head, Dino returning the favor quickly. "Quit," I warned the boys as they started to get into a little slapping match, patting Dino on the head. 

All of us standing in the practice room having a good conversation, Minghao and Dino attached to me like baby Koala bears. Woozi standing off to the side, still a little pissed at my comment earlier. Jun and Hoshi standing next to each other, passing the water bottle back and forth before it ended up empty. 

Moments like these are what I had grown to cherish.


I sat on the concrete completely out of breath, laughing at Seung Cheol who now laid on his back without one of his shoes missing. "A-Are you okay?" I asked between breaths as I tried to get up, to walk to the elder male but ultimately failed as my butt met the concrete again. 

Seung Cheol had asked me to come play some basketball with him, for both of us to talk about things and get some stuff off of our chests. The male groaned as he sat up, reaching for the shoe that ended up behind him quickly putting it back on his foot. "Yeah, just dandy," he rolled his eyes as he stood up, walking over to me putting his hand out, "I said shoe, not a cuss word," he slightly chuckled as I took his hand, him helping me off the cold concrete. 

I did a slight 'mhm', picking the ball back up and passing it towards him. He gave me a slight eye roll as he started to dribble the ball, standing in place staring at me slightly. "What do I have a bug on me?!" I frantically searched my body, turning around in a circle to try to look at my back, but I had just gained a laugh from the male.

"What?" I asked as I faced him, he was still bouncing the ball, the sound echoing off of the walls. 

"(Y/n), you know I love you as my little sister, right?" He asked, my head tilting to the side a little at the question. I nodded my head quickly, gaining a small happy smile from him. He let the ball bounce away, walking up and bringing me into a hug; one of his hands resting on the back of my head. 

"If you need me for anything, and I mean anything at all. I will be by your side in a heartbeat," I brought my head up from his shoulder, looking at him with a smile on my face. "Okay? That includes boy drama, or you need help with training," I nodded my head as he brushed through my hair, patting the top of my head. 

"Good," He hummed as he let go of me, running back over to the basketball which had made its way to the other side of the court. Him, running back over and tossing the ball over to me. "It's your turn to pass in," I rolled my eyes as him I and walked over to the goal post, standing under it waiting for me to pass him the ball. 

"You going to get me this time?" He asked with a cocky smile, giving him one in return as I nodded. Getting ready to play the best game of basketball I had ever played. 


Updated: November 18, 2022

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