Chapter 55

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Let's talk a bit about the problem here.

The parking lot was wide. Right outside of the elevator, there were pillars on both sides.

Shen Jiaze was standing on the left side of the pillar because he was waiting for his driver.

Yu Xingzhe and Mother Yu just got off the elevator. They couldn't see Shen Jiaze because they were in the middle of the two pillars.

With a 'ding', the elevator opened and Gu Xi came out of it. The first thing that he saw were Yu Xingzhe and Mother Yu, meanwhile, Shen Jiaze happened to be perfectly covered by the left pillar. Hence, President Shen really didn't mean to eavesdrop. It was more like the time was right (bullshit), he couldn't help but listen to their conversations.

As for Brother Chen and Ren Jing, they were inside the car. The car was parked across from the elevator, so they could see the whole scene. Because it wasn't parked that far away, they could hear everything clearly.

What was more deadly was that unless the people standing outside had the intention (such as the trailing Shen Jiaze), they really wouldn't peek inside the car to see if the people inside were their acquaintances or not.

After all, Ren Jing wasn't driving an eye-catching car. Yu Xingzhe and Gu Xi didn't need to hitch a ride, either.

As a result, here was the situation now: Yu Xingzhe and Gu Xi didn't know that Shen Jiaze, Ren Jing, and Ye Chen were all on the scene!

Yu Xingzhe's eyes brightened up as soon as he saw Gu Xi coming, he was

beaming with happiness

as he said, "I was just talking to my mom about you, and you appeared."

Yu Xingzhe was so happy there was a hint of sweetness in his voice. Gu Xi couldn't help but shivered.

Gu Xi had been told about the situation from Yu Xingzhe by phone, so he certainly 'understood' the situation and greeted Mother Yu courteously.

Seeing as how the 'first play' was about to begin, Ye Chen became very anxious!

Shen Jiaze was beside them!

If Gu Xi returned Old Yu's heartfelt confession, th-then what about his current boyfriend??

How would they be able continue their act afterwards? This really made things too difficult for Big Darling Chen!

Ye Chen lowered his head and promptly gave Gu Xi a call, thinking of reminding him about the problem.

In the end, he was unable to make a call because the signal in the underground parking lot was really bad! QAQ

What was even more dreadful was that Ye Chen couldn't just jump out of the car. If Mother Yu wasn't here, then he could have rushed out and said, "You cheating couple are actually betraying me" (regardless of whether he acted well or not). But Mother Yu was here, he didn't dare to do any kind of act at all. He was afraid that Mother Yu would then become too upset and immediately



Yu Xingzhe had already started the 'play'. He said, "I've actually liked Gu Xi since long ago, but at that time I was still too childish and always like to bully him, making him upset. But after being separated for so many years, I finally understood that I can't do without him. So, I confessed right after I came back and he accepted me!"

Ye Chen:

It's over, my Brother Xi is done for!

Gu Xi was absolutely disgusted by Yu Xingzhe's words. Fortunately, his acting skills were first-rate. Even though he might not be suitable to be a movie king, he was still kind of a director, so his acting was flawless. Gu Xi's voice was gentle like water when he said, "Auntie, A Zhe and I will be well together, please rest assured."

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