Chapter 85

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The more Ye Chen thought about it, the more scared he became. For the first few missions, he had finished the missions just on the brink of time. What would have happened if he had failed to finish them!?

Ren Jing would have died without rhyme or reason!

Ye Chen was so scared that he spoke incoherently, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner!?”

Death System said, “If I did, Ren Jing would’ve probably died earlier.”

At first, let alone liking Ren Jing, Ye Chen simply ‘disliked’ him. If Death System had frankly told him that the life points he was to obtain were for Ren Jing, Ye Chen probably wouldn’t have been that dedicated anymore. He would probably even feel forced to do it.

So Death System told a lie and said that the life points were for Ye Chen himself. If it dropped into zero, Ye Chen would die.

Under ordinary logic, everyone would cherish their life more than anything else. Above all, he had died once, so he would try his best to complete the missions—even if they were against his conscience.

This was how things were. From the beginning until now, Ye Chen had accomplished all of the missions perfectly, never giving up on any of them.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Chen was astounded. He said to Death System with all of his sincerity, “Thank you.”

Death System was somewhat embarrassed. “W-What are you thanking me for? Just call me father and this father would be pleased.”

Ye Chen, “…”

He paused for a while before he recalled one more thing. “How did I get revived for the second time…” Could it be that Ren Jing had saved him again?

Death System, “You won’t die as long as I exist.”

Ye Chen didn’t quite understand.

Death System said, “Once the contract was established, I have the duty to ensure the safety of your life. You used four life points that time.” At that time, Death System had thought of deducting one more life point in order to guard against the unexpected. It ‘stretched the string tightly’ for Ye Chen in advance. If by any chance the mission couldn’t be completed someday, Ren Jing would still have one life point as a safeguard.

Ye Chen wasn’t aware of its intention. He promptly questioned, “Then, the life points I gave to Grandpa and Mother are…”

Death System said, “One life point will be deducted daily in order to extend Ren Jing’s life. It will be deducted at the time you were reborn, at 9:55 in the morning. Ren Jing will be fine as long as it doesn’t drop to zero. The extra life points could be stored up to be used as a replacement of the missions, or they could also be used for your loved ones.”

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief. He said again, “Thank you.” After all, the life points he used for Grandpa and Mother could be said to be the benefits from Death System.

Who would have imagined that Death System would say, “No need to thank me. The missions aren’t something I could just release whenever I want to.”

It paused for a while before continuing, “In the end, it’s thanks to Ren Jing who is always thinking about you all the time.”

Ye Chen was shocked.

Death System let out a sigh. “The missions originated from Ren Jing’s deepest subconscious. When he missed you and this desire reached its peak, the mission will take shape… Right, I could then help him process his thoughts and release them as missions. Most of all, the random missions are basically generated according to his wishes. Therefore, the reason you could save so many life points is because Ren Jing is thinking of you at all times.”

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