Chapter 86

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Regarding this matter, Ye Chen had been mentally prepared to face it long ago.

Since the last time grandpa saw Ren Jing and him together, he had expected this day to come.

Queen Mother was easy to deceive, but that would not be the case with Grandpa. On the outside, it seemed like Ye Chen had successfully fooled him, but Grandpa would certainly investigate them in secret…

Neither Ren Jing nor him had avoided it, either. Although they had used the filming as a facade and had more or less deceived Director Li, but the others…well…they really couldn’t fool them.

When Grandpa knew the truth, he would definitely tell Ye Chen’s parents… Basically, Queen Mother was the one who presided over the important matter of educating her son, so she immediately called Ye Chen the moment she got off the plane.

Hearing Ye Chen’s steady voice, Mother Ye was shocked. She turned her head around to look at her husband. “Our son wants to talk to us face to face!”

Father Ye raised his eyebrows and said, “It’s good he wants to talk face to face. I’ll beat this unfilial son to death first!”

Mother Ye rolled his eyes. She didn’t feel like ridiculing him.

But not long later, Father Ye was somewhat confused that he couldn’t help but ask, “Does Chen Chen truly like men?”

The feeling of waiting for his son to come out of the closet…

Mother Ye glared at him. “Who told you to laugh at Old Gu back then!? I’d like to see if you could still laugh now!”

At the time Gu Xi came out of the closet, Father Gu was so angry that he ‘ran away from home’. Father Ye had ‘consoled’ him clearly and logically, continuously telling him to accept it.

Younger generations will do alright on their own, we won’t be able to control their life

… And so on. Now his words were coming back to slap him!

Father Ye recalled another thing. He promptly held back his reddened face, feeling extremely restless.

After agreeing to meet at a certain place with his parents, Ye Chen drove there under Xiao Liu’s guidance.

Before leaving, Ye Chen said to Ren Jing, “My parents should have known already.”

Ren Jing suddenly felt somewhat nervous. He slightly tightened his grip on Ye Chen’s hand.

Ye Chen said, “It’s fine if they knew, I’ve always been planning to confess to them.”

Ren Jing’s black eyes twinkled, obviously filled with worry.

Ye Chen’s heart immediately felt soft that it was melting. He imprinted a kiss on Ren Jing’s lips. “Don’t worry, my mother likes you a lot. She has been your fan for many years.”

Ren Jing smiled bitterly. “I’ve stolen her darling, now she’s…”

Hearing the word ‘darling’, Ye Chen blushed. His heart was feeling so pleasantly sweet when he said, “There’s really no need to worry. I promise that my parents will accept us.”

Ren Jing truly had no idea where Ye Chen got that confidence from.

After all, things like coming out of the closet&#k2026;would make most parents furious enough to overturn heavens.

Society hadn’t been open-minded enough to not discriminate against same-gender relationships.

Ye Chen’s eyes were sparkling. He said confidently, “Ren Jing who is the best person in the world belongs to me, so they could only be happy for me.”

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