Chapter 87

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Hearing Grandpa’s voice, Ye Chen immediately stood up and called out, “Grandpa.”

Father Ye and Mother Ye also greeted him. Not long after, Father Ye asked, “What does it have to do with Ye Chen’s story?”

Father Ye and Mother Ye knew that Old Man Ye’s health had gotten better. They were quite shocked as well when they received the medical checkup’s report. All that they could express was implausibility all over their faces.







herniated cervical and lumbar disc

, as well as


… All of these

geriatric diseases

could be controlled with the current medical treatments, but it was impossible to cure them.

With Old Man Ye’s current age, there would be a lot of complications when he underwent treatments, too. Taking medicine all year round would also cause a great burden on the kidney…

To put it bluntly, Old Man Ye could live painstakingly for a lot of years with the help of the medicines, but everything would be truly very difficult for him.

Yet now…all of these illnesses were completely gone. Even though Old Man Ye was still aging, the tedious diseases which had plagued him were now gone.

Before this, no one could figure out what was going on, but now…they found the source.

Ye Chen said, “Yes. The life points could be exchanged for the health of my loved ones.”

Old Man Ye had been listening from the corner, so he could keep up with what Ye Chen said. He asked, “But aren’t the life points used to extend Ren Jing’s life?”

Ye Chen explained in detail how the life points worked.

After listening to Ye Chen, the three wore the same expression… They truly didn’t know how to describe their feelings.

Father Ye summed up Ye Chen’s stories, “You had a car crash, then you were revived because Ren Jing had given his life to you. After coming back to life, you needed to do missions to extend Ren Jing’s life. One of the life…life points you obtain must be given to Ren Jing everyday, then the rest could be used by you, or you could save them up for your loved ones?”

Ye Chen nodded. “Yes, that’s it.”

Mother Ye asked, “What are the missions like? Are they difficult to do?”

Ye Chen’s face reddened, then he said under his breath, “They aren’t… All of them came from Ren Jing’s subconscious.”

Mother Ye had no idea that there was dog food right ahead. She rushed forward and asked, “What are they like? Do you need Mom’s help? Mom is so worried.”

Ye Chen said as he stammered his words, “They’re pretty easy&#k2026; F-For example, kiss Ren Jing, hug Ren Jing, accept the flowers he gave and so on&#k2026;”

The three elders of Ye Family, “…”

Even though what Ye Chen said was hard to believe, they had no choice but to believe his stories with Old Man Ye’s health as the evidence.

And once they believed his story…they immediately accepted Ren Jing.

How could they not accept him? So what if he was a man? He was the only person who didn’t hesitate to die for their son. Such affection couldn’t be repaid by anything.

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