Chapter 76

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It was pretty good.

Director Li felt that he had such discerning eyes to actually pick two lead actors with ‘

CP feeling

’, he really was worthy of his work! He had long forgotten the picky him who refused to have Ye Chen in the crew with all his might…

“Alright!” Director Li raised his voice and said, “Very good, that’s the feeling. You must keep it up.”

Director Li stepped forward, praising Ye Chen energetically, “Wonderful! It’s flawless! If someone said that your acting wasn’t good when the movie was screened, I would hang them outside the window of my house!”

Ye Chen, “…” All of a sudden, he really didn’t know whom he should feel more sorry for; the deceived Director Li or others who had known the truth…

Director Li was still a bit dissatisfied with Ren Jing. He said, “We should retake the final scene again. You had to express the throbbing (heart), but not too obvious. After all, your role is quite passive and restrained in the whole movie.”

Ren Jing nodded, then began to talk, “I’ll change my clothes first.” Because he rescued someone, his body was also wet. Thus, this reason was understandable.

DIrector Li waved his hands. “Go ahead.”

Before leaving, Ren Jing also said softly, “You should put on your clothes, you’re getting sunburned.” He told that to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was basked in too much sunshine that his whole body had turned slightly red, so his bashful blush wasn’t exposed.

Director Li now felt distressed for Big Darling. He promptly said, “You should go too. There would be a few more scenes after this, so you should hurriedly do immediate recovery. Especially your face!”

What he meant was that the shot they would do next would have their faces focused on a lot, so the complexion was very important. Yet, Ye Chen felt really diffident because he thought that he blushed too much that Director Li had to specifically tell him that!

He left at lightning speed, then went to the lounge to have a bath. When he came out, he got pinned to the wall by someone before he had the chance to wipe himself dry.

Ye Chen’s eyes widened. He felt somewhat sweet yet very embarrassed. Then he called his name out in a whisper, “Ren Jing…”

Ren Jing couldn’t endure it any longer. He didn’t say a word, but he simply kissed his partner everywhere, especially where it was wet. It could be said that he was satisfying his own fantasy.

Who could endure being kissed like this? Ye Chen groaned, then said as he panted, “I…want to…”

Ren Jing took a look at the ‘little thing’ which was perking up. Without thinking much, he sucked it.

Ye Chen could only feel his scalp tingling uncontrollably in response. It felt so pleasurable that his toes trembled.

Even though they took a while, they were dressed properly when they came out.

Director Li was sipping a beverage as he said, “Is applying face mask useless after all?”

Ye Chen had confusion written all over his face. He didn’t get why Director Li asked that question.

Yang Sen promptly answered, “It’s probably because Mr. Ye’s skin is quite delicate.”

Director Li said, “How about more rest?” He asked Ye Chen.

It took Ye Chen a long time before he thought over Director Li’s words. He assumed that it was because he and Ren Jing had stayed in the lobby for a long time that Yang Sen used ‘applying a mask’ as an excuse.

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