Chapter 73

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What does he mean by ‘in the future’?

We’re already dating, alright?!

And we’ll continue doing so until the far future, of course!

They naturally went back earlier so that they could ‘practice’ the scene.

It had gotten dark outside. When they had gotten to a place devoid of people, Ren Jing held Ye Chen’s hand, making Ye Chen feel really sweet inside his heart. He obediently let Ren Jing hold his hands and felt that his hand, heart, and head had warmed up.

They had been staying in a nearby hotel recently. It didn’t take long for them to arrive, take the elevator, and go upstairs.

Ren Jing stayed on the 36th floor, while Ye Chen stayed on the 37th, but only the 36th floor button on the elevator lighted up.

Ye Chen held the room card and hesitated for a moment, but didn’t press the button in the end. Ren Jing asked, “Should we go to my room?”

Ye Chen immediately replied, “Yes!” After saying so, he suddenly realized that he might be too eager? But he had agreed, it would be really awkward if he took back his words…

Ren Jing pursed his lips, then asked, “Do you want to eat some fruit?”

Ye Chen replied, “Sure… It’s pretty hot, anyway.”

Ren Jing asked again, “How about some ice cream?”

Ye Chen felt that he had to cool himself down, so he said, “Okay!”

Ren Jing, “You should go up first and wait for me, I’ll go and buy them.”

Ye Chen tugged at him. “…Let’s go together…”

Ren Jing said, “It’d be more eye-catching if we go together.”

Ye Chen thought about it and felt that it was indeed true… They were public figures, after all…

Ye Chen said, “Then I’ll go up first?”

Ren Jing assured him, “I’ll be back in a minute.” He didn’t want to trouble Yang Sen with such a trivial matter, so he could just go and buy them by himself.

Ye Chen took Ren Jing’s room card and went into Ren Jing’s room.

It was a hotel, so of course…their rooms’ layout was exactly the same. Even the position where the slippers were located at the entrance hall was identical.

But as soon as he opened the door, Ye Chen felt a huge difference.

He couldn’t tell what was different, but it just felt different everywhere.

Ye Chen sat on the sofa and felt a bit nervous.

The Death System asked, “Are you two not going to do some exercise tonight?”

Just when he was about to open his mouth, Ye Chen’s face turned red again. “Wh-what the hell do you mean by exercise!?”

Death System stated, “

Ye Shen, Ren Jing

, a hotel… put them all together and we get to see them xxx-ing love!”

Ye Chen tried to say something, but was unexpectedly unable to refute at all.

Death System said, “You have to be more proactive, you know? It’s true that Ren Jing cherishes you, but you don’t have to be that timid, you know? Think about it, Ren Jing has liked you for 13-14 years already, but what about you? Shouldn’t you shower him with more affection?”

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