Chapter 59

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There were some things which Shen Jiaze could never forget, such as how to peel shrimps—something he had learnt a long time ago, or Gu Xi himself.

Shen Jiaze picked up a shrimp, unsure of what he was feeling as he did so.

He peeled it slowly, little by little, very carefully. It was as if he was trying his best to peel away the hard shell that covered his whole body, to pull out the soft heart inside to be presented to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi carefully observed him. After a while, he said, "You've gotten rusty."

Shen Jiaze's hands shook. He reluctantly said, "It's been a while since I peeled a shrimp."

Gu Xi didn't say anything more. He simply picked up the tender shrimp and ate it.

He chewed slowly, looking calm as he did so, making it hard for people to guess what he was thinking about.

Shen Jiaze was filled with anxiety. It was like he was standing in front of a black fog, it was unclear what he would encounter if he stepped in—it could be an abyss, or it could be… an



Shen Jiaze sat in his seat, motionless. Gu Xi glanced at him and said, "Continue peeling the shrimps."

Shen Jiaze was stunned.

Gu Xi said, "If you've become rusty, then you should practice more."

These words had double meanings. Shen Jiaze suddenly turned to look at him, his pair of dark-colored eyes were like a night sky filled with faintly twinkling stars.

Gu Xi didn't look at Shen Jiaze. He only asked in a low voice, "Are you going to start peeling or not?"

Shen Jiaze quickly grabbed a mantis shrimp.

At this moment, Yu Xingzhe finally came to his senses.

Fuck, Fatty Gu now wants to reconcile with that scum? This fickle fatty, does he still have any principles!? It’s only been a day and he's already changed his mind? Can he even do it? Can he compensate me for the breach of contract!?

Yu Xingzhe still felt that it was quite inconceivable. He looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded at him solemnly.

Yu Xingzhe tried his best to talk to Ye Chen through his eyes.

Ye Chen also tried to use their eye contact to communicate.

While these two people were 'casting amorous gazes' at each other, there was someone who wasn't so pleased seeing them doing so.

Ren Jing asked Ye Chen, "Do you want to eat mantis shrimp?"

Ye Chen actually seldom ate them, mainly because it was troublesome to peel. But looking at Old Gu eating it, they actually seemed rather delicious? So he said, "Sure."

Ren Jing picked up a shrimp and put it on his own plate to peel.

Ye Chen couldn’t care less about what Yu Xingzhe was trying to communicate to him mentally, he focused on watching Ren Jing peel the shrimps instead.

Ren Jing’s fingers looked really nice. They were slender and fair and the joints between his fingers could be seen clearly. The features on his fingers looked so powerful, yet elegant and charming. How wonderful!

Ye Chen stared without blinking. Not long after, the shrimp was peeled and placed onto Ye Chen's plate.

Ye Chen stole a look at Gu Xi’s plate, then looked at his own. He immediately felt like Ren Jing did a better job at peeling than Shen Jiaze, so his heart felt even more blissful.

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