Chapter Ch66 - I Like Them, Be It Ten Years Ago or Now.

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Ye Chen continued to read. The writer’s talent really would be wasted in vain if they didn’t become a detective.

One could see this from their clear and logical analysis, perfectly elaborating on how sincere Movie King Ren was, his unconditional infatuation, and how clean-living and honest he had been since ten years ago until now…

Some comments could be seen under the article:

[How touching, I felt so moved I cried. Could anyone really like someone for that long?]

[That’s simply not a like, it’s a deep love, thank you!]

[That’s what I call a Prince Charming, my Jing is forever my Prince Charming!]

[Who is his fiancée? I’m so jealous QAQ!]

[No, I won’t accept this. This is not true. There’s no way my husband would like another woman!]

[I lost my love, lost, completely lost it… I’ll jump from a building first to calm myself down…]

Compared to other actors who panicked after such news broke, Ren Jing was completely peaceful. It was either because he was the ‘Long Live Prince Charming’, or because of the ‘heartfelt blessings’ by people or maybe, it was eventually due to the netizens’ comments being simply too funny, a bunch of ‘breaking news’ could make people laugh like fools.

Following that, Ye Chen laughed for a while, then thought that he had probably become a fool too.

He didn’t feel anything strange after reading those news because he knew very well that everything was simply an ‘arrangement’.

Right after the press conference of «Devotion» was finished, the top search of ‘Ren Jing + same-sex themed movie’ was still in the first place. Coinciding with that, such news appeared, making the two occupied the headline news in minutes.

The enthusiasm was enough, the fact was adequate, and what was more serious was that it


Ren Jing.

After all, there would always be a problem of being accused as gay because he took part in a same-sex themed movie. Once the news about his deep affection came out, Ren Jing was immediately ‘washed’ so clean that he became a Romeo, killing two birds with one stone. This strategy could be said to be going pretty well.

Death System said, “You really wouldn’t doubt him?”

Ye Chen replied, “What’s there for me to doubt? If Ren Jing really had this so-called ‘fiancée’, would he still be able to stay together with me for the whole day?”

Death System paused, then thought that it was true indeed.

Ye Chen continued, “Besides, it’s something from ten years ago. It’s been such a long time, it’s almost as far as the past life already.”

Death System took a look at the incomplete ‘being jealous’ mission and couldn’t help but admit that Ye Chen really didn’t think much about it…

But this &#k2018;transparency’ wasn’t entirely a good thing. Love was blind, so for someone to be able to keep their reason intact (in this situation) usually indicated that they weren’t falling deep enough.

It was not that Death System thought that Ye Chen didn’t love Ren Jing. It knew really well that Ye Chen liked Ren Jing and trusted him so much that he didn’t feel suspicious even after reading the news.

This actually showed a deeper affection, but Death System was afraid that Ren Jing wouldn’t understand it.

After all, in their romance, Ren Jing was always the one who was standing in an extremely vulnerable position

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