Chapter 1 - FW swearing

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ik mobile phone or snapchat wasnt a thing in the 80's but just pretend it was.

You were around your best friends house Charlotte Munson talking about the usual: , music, work, clothes all that kinda stuff. Her brother Eddie was almost like a brother to you as well, I mean you'd basically spent your whole childhood with him. You scrolled through your phone seeing what people were up to while you listened to Charlotte's records you were admiring we collection picking out a queen record when Charlotte walked up to you and shoved her phone into your face.
"Y/N look!"
You grabbed the phone and you eyes widened, it was steve. Steve your boyfriend, steve. With a girl you didn't recognise the caption stated: "love of my life I can't believe we've been together for almost a year". Oh. My. God." You grabbed the phone
"What are you gonna do" said Charlotte.
Without saying a word you snatched the phone and ran to Eddie's room.
"Eddie! Eddie!" You said as you ran into his room.
"Darling, what do you want I though you were with Charlotte he replied with a concerned look on his face. "I am but look." You hold your phone to his face showing a picture of your ex Steve and his new gf
"Why is Steve with her i though u I guys were..." you cut him off.
"No that fucking son of a bitch was cheating on me literally the whole time we were together"
"What a prick, he doesn't deserve you" he said calmly barely even looking up from his magazine.
"I don't care about that I care that he think our whole relationship meant nothing, uhhh I hate him"
"Yes you can kill him later but why are you telling me" he pushes your phone back towards you getting up to pick clothes up from his bedroom floor and putting them away.
You were still mad just looking at the picture on the phone then it came to you it was the only thing that came to your mind it was crazy but you needed revenge.
" will you pretend to date me"
"Absolutely not" Not even considering it.
"Eddie why not pls just for a week all he's gonna do is rub his new gf in my face to piss me off, please"
"What's in it for me exactly"
"Probably the best week of your life I guess" as you said it you realised it was a load of bullshit and would not convince him but you were desperate and was all you could think of.
"Ughh fine" he rolled his eyes at you "one week that's it"
You were full of excited "YES thank you ! Okay I've gotta go back to Charlotte I'll talk to you later bye" you go to leave when he grabs your arm.
"Err excuse me no kiss goodbye for your boyfriend, sweetheart your not very good at this"
You laugh slightly. He stays silent.
"Your not joking are you" He stares at you a slight smirk creeping across his face. He stands in front of you, with only a couple inches the two of you. You stare up at him as he look down at you. He grabs your waist and pulls you towards him slamming your hearts together and places your arms around his neck and pulls you into a deep kiss. He took you by surprise you never imagined the feeling of his strawberry red lips pressed against yours they were so soft like rose petals it felt so magical but yet familiar and comforting. Your body was pressed against his, you liked how he gently gripped your waist but still not letting you escape his tender soft touch. You played with his hair as your hands rested on the back on his neck. You'd kissed Steve 100 times when you were with him but nothing compared to this.

I pulled her close to me not knowing what I was doing but the feeling of her body against mine was too perfect to resist. I wanted that kiss to last forever, her lips tasted like honey, our mouths locked as I indulged my senses in the sweet smell of her perfume. She slowly pulled away and I was mesmerised by beauty as i looked down at her it was as though I was staring at an angel and I never wanted to look away.

Authors note: hey this is my first story so I hope you like it chapter two coming up soon.

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