Chapter 2

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Slowly you pulled your face back, you could feel yourself blushing
"Was that better" you asked looking up to Eddie
"Much better sweetheart" he paused "meet me in the woods outside you house at 6pm, don't be late" he smiled. You smile back at him not turning away as you walked out of him room back to Charlotte still holding her phone

"Where were you" she asked
"Oh sorry I just went to see if Eddie new the girl, he didn't tho" I lied actually Charlotte I just went and kissed your brother and he's now my pretend boyfriend I thought to myself.
Well come on then go out it'll take your mind off things you can't put yourself down to let's go.
You beam at her as you grabbed your bag and phone handing Charlotte's back to her.

You drive over to a nearby milkshake bar to take your mind of this whole incident.
"Look just forget about him he is a lying piece of..." Charlotte continued with her speech but you weren't listening your mind was fixed on that girl who was she you didn't even recognise her from school.
"Hey guys" it was Ruby
"Hey" you replied sadly
"What's up" she asked but before you could say anything Charlotte interrupted..
"Did u know that Steve was cheating on Y/n ?" She looked shocked
"What no omg y/n I'm so sorry" Ruby said
I slightly smiled in appreciation. Charlotte raised her phone to show her the post
"Do you know who this is?" She looked for a long time squinting her eyes.
"No I don't recognise her. But gosh that's awful what a twat how could he screw you over like that?"
"Idk I guess it wasn't meant to be" you say
"Well your way to good for him don't look hope" that's the third person who's said that to you it's nice to say to did any of them really mean it? You didn't know how to respond and just smiled again it felt like all you could do.
Ruby took your order and brought you milkshakes by the time you were both finished the sun had begun sinking into the horizon. You paid and left the shop after waving to Ruby one last time"

"Oh shit" you blurted out as you left
"What. What's wrong"
You realised it was 5:50 you had ten minutes to get the woods outside your house to meet Eddie but you obviously couldn't tell his sister that
" I've just got cheer practice at six" you lied
"Oh crap ok I'll drive you to your house" Charlotte said.
Once you were home you waited for Charlotte car to flee out of sight. 5:55 just back in time.
You soon found yourself deep in the woods, when you heard a twig snap beneath you, you briskly spun around to find him. Your "boyfriend", Eddie.
"Hey you alr" he said a broad smile across his face.
Yh I'm fine what are we doing here?
"I just needed to tell you something"
Ok sure what's up?"

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