Chapter 14

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You and Eddie have been dating for 7 months now and you had never stopped loving him the way you do. You went on dates, and wrote song for each other and he's model your outfits for fun. Everything was perfect. Eddie is such a sweet boyfriend, and in the bedroom, he makes you feel so good. He can be passionate and slow, but sometimes, when you tease him and make him wait, he just needs to slam into you and feel you drip and moan.

You were in a tight sports bra but your boobs still bounced a bit as you trotted around your house and you could feel his eyes burnin into you, so you decided to play with him. You stretched, arching your back and pushing your chest out. You turned to Eddie and saw him biting his lip roughly while sitting on the sofa in just a pair of jeans so you sauntered over and sat on his lap. "Mmm, does daddy like it when I show him my tits? Does it make him hard?" He gripped your waist and pulled you closer your things curled around his waist.
You're going to pay for that."
"I hope I do" you say as you run your hands over his chest cobbled with abs He takes charge You moan lightly as he start to kiss your  neck. You two are melting at each other's touches, while he squeezes your legs to relieve the heat between your thighs. Eddie picks you up under your legs and slams you against the wall  dropping you so you stood up and runs his crotch against you. His grinding is slow and torturous - you know he's going to punish you. "E-eddie, faster" you manage to stutter out as he holds your hands behind your back against the wall. "No sweetheart, you deserve to be taught a lesson." You fumble to your room, making out sloppily the whole way, and when you get in he immediately rips - genuinely rips, fully tears - your sports bra off of you. You pull the covers over yourself eddie pulls them off and grabs your throat "don't you dare hide yourself from me"
He snapped you just nodded seeing as you couldn't breathe his face creeps into a smirk You grab at the back of his head as he leans down and sucks your nipples, moaning as he bites ever so gently on the tops of your breasts. He takes off his jeans and you follow him. He kisses up your body and leaves one kiss on your clit, loving the sound of your strangled moan. "Eddie please, more." You grind your pussy onto his face, but he pushes your hips down and comes up. "Awh look at you, needy slut" this made you moan so loudly you assumed the whole town could hear you "Tell me why princess."
"Your cock, Daddy. I need you inside me,now." Eddie's eyes go lustfully dark as he smirks and flips you over with his strong arm. You end up with your ass up and over his lap. "You need to be punished before I fuck you." "Count,princess ." He brings a hard smack down onto your ass as you squeal and moan out a one. Smack, moan, number. This goes on for ten full spanks - his hand punishing you. He flips you over and sees your blushed, blissed-out face. "Tell me you're sorry" he says as he brings his cold, hand up to your neck again. He squeezes and you moan and look deep into his eyes. "I-I'm sorry" you manage to get out before a wave of pleasure rips through you when Ed pushes his hard cock to your entrance. "Good girl. I know you want this, baby. Fuck, I can already feel you clenching around me." He groans as he slides into you and holds himself there, fully inside you, craning his head back in pleasure. "Please, move, Daddy." "Mmm, not so fast, you teased me all day, princess. You know you did, with your tits and ass. Did you want this? Did you want me to punish you? Hmm?" "Yes, I wanted you mad." "Why?" Eddie is smirking down, and moves out a very slow thrust. Torture. "B-because you fuck me harder when you're mad, and I want to be fucked hard. I needed you." This did it for Eddie's. He started to thrust and you were completely undone as he groaned from sweet pleasure. You scratched along his back as he pounded in and out of you and rubbed soft circles on your tender clit. He kissed all along your neck, biting when the pleasure got too intense. You felt yourself about to cum, but he reprimanded you quickly. He pulled out and flipped you back into the spanking position. Before you could whine or moan or even ask why, he was sheathing himself inside you from this newer, deeper angle. You let out a scream as he thrust sloppily and groaned at the melodic sound. "Fuck baby, cum for me." This was all you needed to let white fluid run onto the sheets. When you clenched around him he brought a smack down onto your ass and came with a drawn-out groan. Panting, you laid next to each other on the bed. You glanced down and realized he was still relatively hard. "Sweetheart you're still hard" you remark before he raises his hand lazily to wave the thought away. "It's fine, You've done enough for me" he says with a smile. You eyed his cock for a few seconds longer, then flipped on top of him and slinked your way down, so your ass was up and youe lips were precariously balanced over his tip. "Y-Y/N..." "You've made me feel so, so good; now it's your turn." You slowly inch your way down his cock, licking up the sides and kissing the tip. You feel his hand tangle into your hair, pushing your head down. You strain your neck and push your head back up teasing him you hover your lips over it lightly kissing the tip
"Y/n fucking do something now"
"Aww baby what's the magic word"
"Now you little brat. please " he reluctantly forced out of his lips
you stared at him before slinking your body on his and whispered in his
ear lustfully "what was that baby"
Eddie grabbed your face and hungrily pushed his lips on your heavily breathing through his nose he harshly pushed you away "please" he said not even out of breath"
"You look up at him through dark eyelashes and hollow your cheeks as he pushes you in, pulling a groan from his lips. You love the sound, his pleasure filling the room. You feel his hand release a bit and look up, and you can tell what he wants. You nod devilishly, and he firms his hand onto your head and pushes you all the way down, your lips touching his base. He's a groaning mess, and you are proud of your skills. He grips your head and moans. "Damnit - your so f-fucking good." You hollow as much as you can and he slides as far back as he can go, and within seconds, "princess I'm gonna cum" he groaned I moved away until I felt strong nails pull at your hair
"Swallow it" he blankly says before you take his large mass back down your throat you feel hot cum filling your throat. You look straight at him and swallow every last drop. He thrusted his head back in pleasure he sat up, you push strands of hair before your he violent grabs your tits in his hands and pushed me back hard back to on the bed he flipped himself up and fell on top of you grabbing your hair and face and maliciously kissed you all over you his lips making it's way over the surface of your body down to your stomach and neck and face. Everywhere. Finally you relaxed, you both stacked on top of one another right before falling asleep exhausted and exhilarated

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