Chapter 19

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You reached the bottom of the tower with your arms flung around him your fiancé Eddie Munson. The elevator doors slid open
"SURPRISE!" Everyone stood there: Charlotte Toby, Eddie's band, even both your parents all there, your hand smacked over your mouth "omg" you take Eddie take his hand hand and run over to everyone you show them the ring and hug them your talking to Charlotte when you see Eddie shaking hands with your dad. You go over to him and he puts his arm over your shoulder and squeezed your arm  "hey y/n" he kisses your fore head.
"Aww I'm happy for you y/n a new chapter in your life with a wonderful man " your mum says almost in tears "thanks mum" you say Eddie smiles at her your dad just stairs at him showing no emotion. "You know um.."
"Eddie sir"
"Right eddie, he asked me for my blessing before tonight" "Im happy for you he's a good man"
"Thank you sir" he replies nodding
"Thanks dad"
You smile at him and hold Eddie's hand.
Later you all went out for drinks and laughed.
You got back to your room with Eddie at one.
"Are you ready for the best night of your life" he said pinning you against the wall. He shoves his tongue in you mouth letting you know he's in charge and you let him. His hand starts going up your thigh then disappears under your dress. U shiver once you feel his hand on your clit. He shoves his finger into you making you yell out. "Do you like that doll face." he winks at you. All You can do is just nod. "Do you want me?" he asks me. "Yes, please Eddie " You beg him.  "Yes what?" he smirks at you. I want you, daddy." You whisper into his ear making him moan. Before you can register what's going on he's already unzipping his pants and pulling out a condom and placing it on his thick shaft.
he slides his fingers inside of you and starts going faster every time you moan he goes faster making your eyes roll to the back of the head he keeps going faster and faster "f-f-fuck Eddie I'm going to cum" you say in between moans he stops right before you cum and says, "watch that language princess" he pushed you into the bed before slamming into you pushing your legs further and wider apart his nails digging into your hips securing you to the sheets beneath you, you deeply loudly moaned as he pushed himself in you faster and faster hitting your g-spot every time you but your lip in pleasure he slowed down and pushed his face next to yours "don't hide it princess I want everyone to hear you scream my name" he purred before he continued ramming inside you his ear glossed in desire. You screamed his name louder and louder "fuck eddie I'm gonna cum"
"Cum princess" you release on queue and so does Eddie you breathed deeply exhausted "on your knees now" he ordered you do as told and start sucking his dick he grabs your hair and makes you put all of his dick in his mouth fuck yes Y/N right there fuck you feel so good he manages to say in between moans, I'm going to cum you open your mouth and he released into your mouth, he puts you back on the bed so that your laying down now on it he slides his dick in once more making you moan at how good he feels fuck Eddie he goes faster and faster everytime you moan you could tell you were both about to cum fuck Eddie I'm going to cum he lets you cum but pulls out before he cums and says, open your mouth you do as he says he cums in your mouth and swallow it all. You both lie on the bed panting "fuck y/n, you too good for me" you flash a smile at him you edge closer to him and he wraps his arms around you covering yourselves in a blanket. "You ok" he asked pulling you tight against him" "I don't think I've ever been better you whispered u?" "You don't need to ask as long as your with me I'm amazing" "Good night my gorgeous wife to be" you excitedly turn to his face "god you can actually say that now"
"I can and d'you know what else I can say"
"Y/n Munson, I love you forever"

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