Chapter 7

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When your arrived home Eddie walked you to your door. "Eddie I'm so sorry about today"
"You have nothing to apologise for sweetheart I'll call you later today" you nodded and smiled. He held you at your waist and pulled you close to him into a kiss you felt the energy and love between one you hugged him and he whispered in your ear "I fucking love you y/n Munson" about a million butterflies entered and fluttered in your stomach "i love you more Eddie" you replied you never wanted to let him go you stood there for at least a minute drowning in each others love until he drew back to your face and kissed you one last time before going back to his car you couldn't help smiling at him as he stared at you while walking backwards as he drove away he opened his window and shouted "I LOVE YOUR FOREVER y/n  l/n" you laughed and blew him a kiss.
You turned around still smiling "y/n Munson" OMGGGGGG I think my heart just did a backflip "Jesus Toby!! How long where you there" your brother was behind you smirking with a sprite "I LOVE YOU y/n y/l/n" he said mocking Eddie" your brother moved in with you last year as you both lived alone and needed some company
"Fuck off" you said punching him in the arm
"So Munson hey, how long has that gone on?"
"Since yesterday"
"Oh wow that must mean your getting married soon then" he said laughing
"Shut up, Steve was cheating on me so I asked him to pretend to be my bf and then here we are"
"I told you he was I literally saw him and that bitch" tony said
"Oh Yh that girl, not a bitch basically I saw them in the mall I had a go at him then Eddie had a go at him then she had a go at him so Yh she's alr, and she's called Isobel"
"Oh alr then so fuck Steve then, it's alright rlly he got kicked out of his football club apparently yesterday so at least now we know he's had a shit week" Toby said laughing
Wait what! Steve got kicked out of the team that is shit, I know he's a prick and I hate him but I cant help but feel bad. You briefly laugh then run to your room carrying your bags of clothes.
You open you phone and go onto Steve's number.
🟣Hey um I heard about the football team I'm so sorry" you can't put that you literally told him to fuck off an hour ago!!
You fucking twat. Within seconds he had replied.
"🔵What happened to fuck off I never want to see you again"
🟣 " look I'm sorry I was just mad because I was having a good day and I didn't want to see Eddie mad
🟣you also called me slag
🔵and I'm sorry but why are u even dating Munson anyway.
🟣Because I love him steve and he's sweet and funny, which is none of your business by the way.
🔵 he's the freak like you'd go out with him
🟣 well at least he wouldn't cheat me
🔵Can't you just give me a chance I wanna make things right I wanna apologise.
🟣okay apologise then
🔵no like over coffee of something please
You didn't know what to say if Eddie found out about this he would loose it
🟣 fine. Meet me tomorrow in the woods on that bench at 10.
🔵k thanks cya.
You were already regretting this

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