Chapter 17

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"Darling, what do u think of having a little party here"
"Yeah okay sure tonight"
He beamed "perfect" he kissed your forehead

By 9 the party was raging you and Eddie were dancing in the middle you made sure everything was safely put away so you could have a good time you and Eddie saw a guy knock a glass on the floor it didn't smash but you were relieved "thank god we put all the valuable stuff away" you said laughing
Eddie you at you "then why are you here sweetheart" you blushed and pulled him closer to you. After a while you quickly left him to get drinks when you come back you see a girl standing very close to eddie. You wouldn't say you had bad jealousy issues but what's yours is yours and Eddie Munson was yours so the bitch talking to him needs to learn her place. You set your drink down as you get up to go tell her to stop hitting on your bf when all of a sudden she puts her hand on his chest. "Hey bitch, get your hand off him before I make you." you tell her. She stares at you but doesn't remove her hand so Eddie removes it for her.  "Honey, he needs a real women to show him how it's done." she laughs with her friends. Eddie looks at me apologetically, You know it's not his fault he always get hit on but right now this bitch has pissed you off.  "Listen here bitch, I don't know who you think you are but I will rearrange your face in two seconds if u don't leave.
I'm also the girl that can rip out your fake ass hair and lashes in the blink of an eye so don't fucking test me." You stare into her eyes, You notice there's a crowd starting to form around us. Eddie places himself between me and her. "It would be better if you just go." he tells her. "Ok I'll leave." she says but she pulls something out of her bra and hands it to him.  "Here's my number." she says staring into my eyes. That is it. You move past Eddie and grab her fake bleach blonde hair extensions and throw her to the ground. "Who the fuck do you think you are !" You are at her as u throw a drink into her face making her mascara run. You just stand there laughing at her her drenched it vodka or some shut her hair is barely there and her face is smudged. Eddie gets you off of her while her friends quickly grab her while You throw her number at them. "Don't let the door hit yah on your way out." You shout start walking upstairs to my room but you hear Eddie yelling at everyone to leave and that the parties over. About 10 minutes later Eddie struts into my room.  "I'm sorry." You say, you're sure he's mad at you for my little stunt but the bitch deserved it.  "Mad you think you're mad, baby you got me hard just watching you claim me like that." he starts walking to you and grabs your face to kiss you. "So this wasn't the best idea then was it?" He says smirking "well I got to throw punch at some bitch so I think it was amazing, but definitely never again like ever"
he laughs again pulling you in for another deep kiss which doesn't break until you fall asleep in each others arms still in your clothes

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