Chapter 12

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You wake up before Eddie and you watch him sleep you put on his jumper that you kept when  u last went to his to keep warm. Eddie wakes up "good morning sweetheart" he grabs your waist and encourages over on top of him your legs knotted with his "is that my jumper?"
How dare you you little thief
You just grinned at him cheekily
Your lucky you look cute in it sweetheart
"It was in my wardrobe anyway"!you turn around so your look down on him he smiles then quickly grabs you and spins you around pinning you down with his hands he sticks his tongue out at you, you push him off of you playfully "errr excuse me you can't get away that easily he brings you towards his side you turn and around and pull him into a long kiss which is only interrupted by a loud knocking on the door you get up to leave but Eddie sweeps you up and carries you down the stairs "sorry sweetheart your not going anywhere without me" he put down and kisses you on your cheek. You open the door to see Steve. He doesn't notice Eddie
"Y/n let's go out!" Sounding optimistic
"Come on y/n you and me forever, you know you love me if you didn't why did u help when that son of a bitch hit me "because shes better than that" eddie steps in front of you still shirtless glaring at Steve "get lost Harrington"
"eddie it's fine. Steve I'm not gonna ask you again get out of my life or you know what will happen"
"oh what's gonna happen your gonna get him to hit me again huh
" you know what I'll do" eddie looks confused but Steve knows what you mean "fine then play hard to get just take your time I'll be waiting for you y/n" you slam the door in his face
"what were you gonna do" Eddie asks
"Oh it's nothing I just kinda have a bit of shit on him" you kiss Eddie and he smiles not saying anything else
"right now back to bed I'm still tired" "of course your highness" he lifts you add and carries you up the stairs and puts you back on your bed, Eddie climbs in after you and kisses you all over your face. you cuddle for a while his arms holding you close to his chest "so" you say "what are we doing today "I was thinking we could get up go get food get in the car, make out, go to my house and make out then that's probably the day done. "That sounds.......perfect. Like you"
"No like you" Eddie replied squeezing your waist tighter. You stay in your bed for a while when you finally get up you make him bring his suit of course he looks so fine. Then you got in his car to aimlessly drive around stopping eventually to get food

Eddie POV
We got in the car out made out in the back seat I could never get bored of her soft red lips they were mine, she was mine and I was the luckiest loser in the world. We went back to mine, I don't know why but I guess she likes it there. We went to my room and I played her,her song. She doesn't need to know I wrote it about her but then. Y/n took my guitar and plays it. I never knew she could play guitar and it sounds amazing she sings and my world stops her voice is beautiful almost like and angel I guess (a really hot angel though) The lyrics well, I don't even know anymore but I like it, I liked her. "I wrote that for you eddie" no fucking way she smiles and hands me back the guitar "that might be the best song I've ever heard in my 20
years of living. I can't believe I'm saying all this shit but it's the only way I can tell her how much I love her. There's just something about her that, that I don't care where we go hell id live in a bin with her I just want to be with her then I remembered.

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