Chapter 3

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Eddie POV
I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell her that I wanted to spend every moment I'm awake with her , that she gives me a reason to wake up every day.
I couldn't tell her that, well, that I loved her.

You wanted to hear what he had to say so badly. But at the same time you didn't want him to tell you that he didn't want a part in your pretend relationship.
"The reason I didn't want to pretend to be your boyfriend" He stopped
"Mhm" you said trying to encourage the words out of him. Nothing.
"Eddie are you ok"
"I'm fine don't worry about me sweetheart"
"And the reason?"
" it's dumb just forget it"
"Eddie, whatever it is it's definitely not dumb pls just say it"
"Fine" he said " I didn't want to do your favour because I actually wanted to date you not just to get back at Steve". Thank god you thought. You tried to keep your feelings inside for all this time but now you had a chance. Just say it y/n
"You bet" he looked as though what he had just said almost killed him.
"Eddie" you paused "why do you think I asked you to pretend in the first place"
"Wait seriously? You like me"
Smiling "yes you idiot why is that so hard to believe"
Almost smiling as though he can't quite believe you " because you're you. You're smart and kind and you're the most beautiful person I've ever set eyes on and well then there's me.."
You can't help but blush this is what Eddie thought of you?!
"Eddie" you stop "I like you" you said and there it was "your funny and talented and omg you're cute " laughing
"Well alright I'll take that" he said " I mean obviously I knew you liked me how could u not" you could see he was hiding how vulnerable he was with laughter.
You both stood there silent for a minute just smiling at each other; he liked you back and you couldn't believe it.
You reached your arms out and wrapped them around his neck pulling him towards you into an embrace. You both looked down at each other your lips slowly edging towards one another. And kissed. And in that kiss, you were home. Eddie looked at you and smiled.
"How about a date at my place"
"Sure" his smile broadens "but what about Charlotte?" You ask
"She's staying at out dad's place this weekend" right of course you forgot about that but you felt bad, you didn't want it to sound like you were ashamed of him.
"C'mon then let's go" he says taking your hand.

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