Chapter 8 -

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It was 10 in the morning and u were in the woods by the bench where you agreed to meet but there's was no sign of Steve.
A twig snapped behind you you turned around but no one was there you saw a note pinned to the tree:
Y/n change of plan where not meeting at the bench keep walking straight
You took the note slowly walking forward until after 5 minute after you stopped infront of a familiar tree house
"Steve! Steve are you there?"
"Y/n hey come up here"
You climbed a ladder up the the tree house "do you remember this our dads built it for us when we were little I forgot how big it was"
" yes I remember"
"So right apology: I'm sorry for everything I shouldn't of cheated on you or said anything I did yesterday I was being such a twat" he edged closer to you.
"Yes you were and it's okay"
You spoke for a while laughing and talking about memories when Steve finally made a move. He was sitting right next to barley a cm
was between you. You both fell silent he stared at you for a second then slammed his lips onto your climbing on top on your at first you resisted as he pushed you back onto the fall but eventually you gave in to his touch and you pulled him closer
"Should we take this back to your's" he submissively whispered
You nodded checking he picked you up and carried you to your room at least Toby had gone out when he reached your room he slammed you against the wall deeply kissing you leaving hickies on your neck you undress each other almost never breaking the kiss He throws you on the bed and is already on top of you. He kisses you again, this time trailing down your jaw, across the length of your neck, sucking and nibbling at the skin, between the valley of your breasts and down your stomach. He reaches your pussy and doesn't hesitate to lick a long stripe down it. You moan at the friction of his tongue and your hands immediately entangle in his hair. "You want more babygirl" He asks. All you can do is nod your head and Steve being the gentleman he is, obliges. Diving back in again he licks and sucks all over your soft spot, his tongue digging between your folds and his hands holding your thighs flat down to get him as deep as possible. You buck your hips to his face, desperately chasing your release when he pulls away. "Ok baby. You ready?" He asks making sure your not having second thoughts "y-yes I am" you muster out with the last of your composure and he slowly slide his dick into you, waiting for you to adjust to his massive size before he starts rough. You moan loudly, turning him even more on and he can't hold back anymore. Steve pulls nearly all the way out and then thrusts all the way back in, your moaning loudly at the feeling. His hands find their  place on your hips, pulling you up to him while his mouth is kissing down your neck. He then finds his place back at your lips, kissing you deeply, swallowing your moans. "Cum for me. I'm ready but I'm going to wait for you ok?" And with that you cum straight on him without a second thought and he does the exact same. All of the mixture dripping down onto the sheets. After a while he pulls out and kisses you, not passionately but lovingly. Leaving sloppy wet kisses all over your face and making you laugh. He gets up and goes into the bathroom, coming back out with towels. He cleans you up and then cuddles up with you.
"You don't know how much I've missed that"
"You laugh at him " Steve this was a one time thing okay it's never happening again it's just two people doing it for no reason okay
"Yeah right definitely"
The sudden stabbing of guilt pierced into your stomach you can never tell Eddie
"Sure I liked this, you know if was familiar but I love eddie and you are nothing like him okay so do me a favour and never bring this up to him or I'll tell them your secret okay"
"Fine. But I knew you couldn't resist me"
You both got up and you walked him too the door after you got dressed he kissed you one last time you reluctantly kissed him back
"Well I'll see you soon then babygirl" he said smirking
"Sure you will" you said slamming the door
Omg how could u give into him how are you gonna face Eddie, you can tell him he'll never forgive you and would probably kill Steve.
Later, You slumped back into bed bed looking at your phone : two new messages
🔵Steve: Gn babygirl c u very soon 😍😈
🔴 Eddie: love you sweetheart 😘
Of course you replied to eddie but ignored Steve, your couldn't let him back in your life ever again.

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