Chapter 13

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You can't believe Eddie said that about your song you lay on his chest with his arms over you as you play fiddle with his rings, you never took the one he gave you off, you both lie on the sofa watching a film.
Y/n?" You sit up and turn to look at him "even though it's only been a month or so I think I still have something to ask you. You looked at him a little concerned "will you be my girlfriend y/n y/l/n? Like officially because we never actually confirmed that"
You smile at him "well um let me think about it, yes. I'm sorry though but was that not established the last 100 times we've made out" you say laughing Eddie just smile "then I guess" he takes your red ring of your finger and puts it back on "that makes me the luckiest guy in the world" "and that makes you first of all weird and secondly you highness miss y/n Munson." You giggle as he took your hand and kissed it over the ring "I could watch you laugh all day"
"I could watch you smile all day" you cutely reply
"Well when we're married that's what we'll do"
"Hey I'm home" it was  Charlotte "hey Eddie I think it's time I move out you know I've looked at some apartments and I think it would be good." She shouts walking through the house
"Hey char" you say as you come into the hall way Eddie stays on the sofa.
"Oh hey didn't expect to see you here"
"Yh the thing is I have something i haves to tell you" you take her to the kitchen "don't get mad but me and Eddie are kind of sort of are dating" you smiling unsure of how she'll react
"Oh my god are you kidding YES I've been waiting for this happen" she says smiling "well in that case then I guess I am moving out" you both laugh "I mean it's only been going in for a month so you okay for now but I do rlly wanna ask him if you want to but not yet of course"
"Okay" she says still smiling" you run back to Eddie while Charlotte gets a drink "thanks char" he shouts "it's okay" she yells back
He gets up to hug you wrap you arms around him and rest you chin in his chest looking up at him "do u wanna stay round mine for the week?" He nods grinning "I think I might be able to make that work" you kiss him but when you try to break free from the kiss he pulls you closer to him and you both flip back down on the sofa.
"I know I said I'm happy for you but there is a thing called a room and I think you should get in one" you get up and follow Eddie upstairs taking his hand you give Charlotte a brief hug before leaving again.
"So you never actually answered my question"
"Yh I'm cool with that I'll just get some clothes"
He puts on a jumper "you know as soon as we get home I'm gonna make you take that off again
"Well I wouldn't want you to take me for granted would I" you smirk at each other. You text Toby and tell him Eddie is staying he says he'll go stay with mates for the week. "Ty x" you reply.
You spend an amazing week with Eddie, you work from home designing outfits for Liberty of London. But you hated it when Eddie had gigs and had to leave you, but you almost always went with him.

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