Chapter 8

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"So they want me to work on a new collaboration for the upcoming idol festival?" Taehyung asked, sipping on the hot chocolate his friend gave him.

He woke up a few minutes ago, but Jimin didn't let him move from the bed, saying he needed to rest after the tiring concert, and even brought his breakfast there. Taehyung wouldn't have agreed to stay on the bed if his every muscle won't hurt like a bitch, and his head wouldn't have been throbbing with every movement.

Hyunmi was still sleeping, curled on the pillow, so he didn't have to worry about her whinings for now. Usually, he needs a bit of patience with his baby because she can be a curious and whiny child, and she would definitely ask him why he didn't come to pick her up.

He would need some excuses to make up her mind, which he can't do with a pounding head.

"Yes, and I think you should participate in it. It is organized by HYBE and the best way for you to make some industry friends who are not from the same company or actors. " Jimin said, nudging the idol to take some fruits from the salad.

"It is after a month, Jimin, and I don't think I can write a song and record it that faster. " Taehyung said, rubbing the throbbing part of his head gently, while with another, he took a sip of the hot cocoa, making him sigh in relief.

He needs some painkillers, and the idol wishes that they won't be expired ones like the last time. He doesn't want to move from the comfort of his bed.

"Listen, it's a collaboration, so obviously, another artist would contribute too, so you don't have to worry about writing all by yourself. " Jimin said, smiling. "And talking about the lyrics, I found a sheet when I rummaged your old locker. You wrote that song in your earlier days, and it sounds good. Maybe you should give it a try. "

Jimin passed the old crumbled page to the idol, who read it a few times, trying to remember the words he wrote. He recalled writing its lyrics after writing stigma, but the company rejected it, saying it was boring.

After that, he thought he had thrown it away but seeing it again after so many years brings back so many memories he probably won't want to recall now. Thinking about it makes him realize how many things he had lost and how messed up his life has become.

He believes that his past self probably hates him. Every dream that he had was shattered into pieces when he became famous. The pressure of being a perfect idol brings a lot of responsibilities on how he has to act around people, how he can't curse and shout even if someone does something, and maintain a happy image.

It became tiring after a while.

He recalls the time when he was young and free. The time when he wasn't afraid of showing himself.

That time when he was brave enough to let others know his thoughts without caring about anything anyone said. He was one of the most rebellious idols under the company because of how he tried to show his original self to the people, but now all he does is please the people around him, not himself.

He has become the opposite of what he once used to be.

Before, he used to be a free-willed idol who did what he felt like doing, but now his every action, every word, is controlled by his company, and all he does is follow whatever they say.

He doesn't even know when he became like this? Was it after the heartbreak or because of his pregnancy that made him so alone that he lost himself?

Looking at how Taehyung stared at the page aimlessly, Jimin gently caressed his arm to bring his thoughts back to the present. "I know you wrote this song in the early days after whatever happened, but still, you should try to re-create it. Maybe what you can't do at that time, you could do it now. You are more experienced than your past self with everything. " Jimin smiled.

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