Chapter 22

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"There are police outside, and they wanted to talk to you. A big scandal has broken, and they are asking for your statement. " Jin says. The CEO sounded confused and troubled, and Taehyung felt guilty about it.

He is dragging everyone into his mess.

"If you don't mind, please take care of Hyunmi. Jimin would be too busy to keep an eye on her, and Yoongi hyung is sleeping. I can talk to the police alone. " Jin looked skeptical but nodded anyway.

"I'll ask Namjoon to take care of her, but I will join you. "


"Let me help you. I won't butt in or say anything, and if you want, I won't even stay in the same room while you talk but let me be there. " Taehyung was confused. Why would the CEO of HYBE with a picture-perfect image want to come with him and taint it?

"It would help you to keep Jimin and Yoongi here. " Jin pleads, and not finding any other option, Taehyung nods.

"Alright, go from that way. Yujin will lead you to the exit. I will come after settling a few things here. " Taehyung doesn't questions and walks towards the manager, who takes him towards the entrance through a different route.

Once the idol exits the building, he sees a few people standing, with no cameras around, thankfully. It would create another big scandal.

A girl dressed in simple black jeans and a white shirt comes forward and shows her ID-Card. "I'm Lee Sara from Drug Administration Department. I'm sorry for showing up like this. Recently, we caught a man who had relations with you, who had been found doing illegal drugs, so we have to take you for a talk. "

The girl says, and Taeyung nods when the idol hears loud footsteps and sees Yoongi approaching them, huffing with messy hair. "I'm Min Yoongi, one of the head managers from JCGT and Taehyung's childhood friend. If you don't mind, can I come with you? I have some proof with me which can be helpful. "

The girl looks behind at the officers and then nods at them. "Alright, please step inside the car. You don't have to worry about anything, as we will make sure the pictures of you won't be trended online until you are found guilty. "

Taehyung and Yoongi follow the girl to her car, and then Taehyung notices the bag in Yoongi's arm. "Taehyung-ah, it would be fine. You haven't done anything wrong, and it will be proven soon. " Yoongi whispers and the idol nods silently.

Nervously, Taehyung fidgets with his fingers as they reach the police station. The police open the door and give Taehyung a mask and bucket hat to cover his face before leading him inside.

The idol could already feel thousands of eyes on him, judging him, but Yoongi kept a firm arm around his back while the police led them into a dark room, where two males were sitting, and looking above, Taehyung saw another two record everything.

"Kim Taehyung-ssi, I know you are a busy idol and quite popular worldwide, so I will do my best to keep this conversation as short as possible, but I hope you contribute to our investigation and give us truthful answers. " The male says.

"I will be honest. I don't have anything to hide anyway. But I hope that until I am found guilty, the information I share won't be shared with the media. " The male looks at Taehyung and then at the officers above before nodding.

"Yes, we can do that. Let us introduce ourselves before we begin our questions. I'm Han Donghyun, and this is my co-teammate, Lim Ju Yong. " The male next to him bowed before focusing back on his computer.

"So, what was your relationship with Lee Yeongsu? How do you meet him?" Donghyun asks, holding his pen and the paper where Taehyung could see something written, but he doesn't try to figure it out.

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