Chapter 11

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Till Taehyung returned from the company, it was already 5 in the morning. Taehyung was tired and stumbled into the house, already finding Irene sitting on the counter.

"Why are you still awake?" Taehyung asked, throwing his mask somewhere he didn't care to see.

"Jimin said you're coming tired, so I thought a little help would be great. " Irene said, smiling wide, hoping for another lecture like you shouldn't have, or I can take care of it, but the idol just hummed and went in the direction of the washroom, surprising the girl.

"He's tired. " Irene mumbled and took out the freshly made eggs, keeping them neatly on the table before moving to pick up some toasted bread.

Once Taehyung returned, she patted the seat for him to sit, and when the idol sat, she handed him orange juice before grabbing her coffee mug and sitting next to him.

Till now, this house had become her second home, and her husband is also a great friend of Taehyung, but he has many business tours, and Taehyung knew it was why Irene was here today at the ass crack of the morning.

Not as if he minds it. It is calming and nice to have someone with you.

"So, mind telling me what got you so restless?" Irene asked, observing the small bites the idol took, and with another hand, Taehyung kept fidgeting with his shirt buttons.

One of his habits is when he is restless.


"Don't come at me with nothing shit. I know you are restless and worried or maybe tired too, so I want us to be done with this conversation sooner, so you can go and rest. " Irene deadpanned. One thing with Taehyung is that they have to be straightforward with the idol. Talking sweetly or sugarcoating their words doesn't work with him.

She had learned it the hard way. Don't ask how.

"According to Namjoon, I am not passionate enough about my career. " Taehyung mumbled, making Irene stop in her movements and look at him with a surprised face.

"What do you mean by passionate enough? How passionate does he even want you to be?" Irene asked, body fully turned towards Taehyung.

"Yesterday, when we were discussing the collaboration, Yujin told me about the world tour and release of the Japanese album-"

"Wait, Wait, Wait, hold up, dude, what the hell? What world tour? What Japanese albums? You had a concert week ago and released an album like one month ago. What is with your company to have this many releases? Are you really going on a hiatus now?" Irene asked, eyes hopeful, but the idol shook his head.

"It would be a fucking miracle if I get one week off. " Taehyung grumbled, which surprised Irene. Taehyung wasn't the one who usually cursed talk like that. The matters were more serious, she guessed.

"Um, so you are preparing for another album while working on collaboration?" Irene asked, and Taehyung nodded with a sigh.

"I don't have to make any new songs but just sing in the translated Japanese version, which is a good sign, and along with that, world tour dates are in the mid of discussions. " Taehyung sighed, plopping his head on the table and moving away the food. He doesn't have any appetite anymore.

"Taehyung-ah, I can't say I understand because I don't know how it is to be an idol. I just hear what you say, but I think maybe you should talk to Yoongi about it. You know how he turns out when his patience breaks. " Irene said, threading her hands into the smooth strands of the idol's hair.

"Yesterday, Namjoon asked me why I work this much and how I support myself, and I replied it is my work, and he said I don't sound enthusiastic about it. It feels awkward with him now. " Taehyung said after a while of silence, but Irene didn't reply. She knew there was something more that was hurting the idol.

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