Chapter 14

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Jungkook drove one of his father's cars to the hotel, which was booked for Taehyung and the staff.

The young CEO had taken extra time to shower today, shampooing his hair and then conditioning it to make them look fluffier and shinier while his mother chose the clothes for him. She was a fashion designer, so her choices were always the best.

Jungkook was called at 10, but he was two hours early because he couldn't stay seated at home when the love of his life was there. Jin and Namjoon had also decided that they would stay in the hotel and later will come to visit their family.

Jungkook parked the car in the parking area, seeing different vans and cars parked there. Those were company cars, and Jungkook soon spotted Yoongi's black BMW 7 series parked there with black tinted windows.

He hopes he bumps into Yoongi first so that at least he can prepare himself before meeting the idol. Just thinking about it makes Jungkook's heart race a thousand miles per hour.

Silently, he walked past the gates and entered the luxurious hotel, seeing some staff wandering everywhere when he spotted Namjoon inside a gym, working on his muscles. The windows were made of glass, but the curtains were put aside to let the sunlight enter. It made it easy for Jungkook to spot Namjoon from there.

But he couldn't go inside there. What if he bumped into Taehyung there? He knows either he will pass out or ends up making a fool of himself.

Jungkook nervously paces around, feeling like the 15-year-old kid when he entered his father's company for the first time. He had never been so nervous, so he looked around, hoping to find a familiar face, praying to every god, saint, priest, animal, plant... yeah, anyone to hear his prayers and bring Yoongi or Jin here.

"Jungkook?" A voice called from the side, and Jungkook swore he had never been this happy to see his brother. "What are you doing here so early?" Jin asked, smiling amusedly at how well the boy had been dressed.

"I- just.. um. " As the younger shuttered, Jin smiled and patted his back before moving towards the entrance gate.

"Come on in. We're going for breakfast now. " Jin said, and happily, Jungkook walked behind Jin, feeling his stomach churning in both happiness and nervousness as he was going to meet his favorite idol for the first time in his life.

Jin led him to the dining area, which was half filled with staff members. Jungkook knew many of them since they had worked with Namjoon for a long time.

"We'll wait for them here. I am hoping for Taehyung and others to join us in a while. " Jin said and sat on the chair, and Jungkook sat next to him, picking up the menu card to order something to calm his nerves.

"So, how's mom and dad?" Jin asked.

"They are fine. Dad complained that mom still doesn't want to leave her fashion designing job aside. " Jungkook said, ordering ice cream for himself. His hands were becoming sweaty with nervousness.

"Dad said the same thing to me a few days ago. " Jin hummed, eyes liting up when he saw Jimin coming.

"Hey, Jimin, quite early, I see. " Jin greeted, and Jungkook was awestruck for a moment. He had seen a few pictures of the male before, but Taehyung's manager was just as handsome in person. Does Taehyung really have all staff that looks as good as him? He won't be surprised if it comes out to be true.

"Not really. I am the babysitter in this household, so I'm just coming down after waking up Taehyung. " Jimin smiled and sat on the opposite chair.

"So, let me introduce you. Jimin, this is my younger brother, Jungkook, and I bet you know him, Kook. This is Jimin, Taehyung's manager. " Jin smiled, patting Jungkook's back, so he straightened up.

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