Chapter 26

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Taehyung stares at Jungkook, surprised, while the CEO only grins in his direction. "It's nice to see you again, Taehyung. " Jungkook says, opening his penthouse's door wide for the ex-idol and Hyunmi to enter.

The ex-idol hadn't expected this situation in a thousand years, but last night, Jungkook called Taehyung. It was the first time the CEO had called him since they started texting. He was surprised, yet decided to pick it up anyway, wanting to know what the other had to say and definitely not because he wanted to hear Jungkook's voice.

The CEO shuttered while talking, admitting that he hadn't expected Taehyung to pick up, and that's when he was told about Jungkook's hate towards texting in general and his tendency to forget to reply to messages.

They didn't face any problems getting into the conversation as Jungkook ranted about how Jin is a mean brother and would share stories of his acts, while Taehyung shared about Yoongi. In the middle of their talk, Hyunmi entered the room and begged Taehyung to talk to the CEO once. Tired of her whining, Taehyung gave her the phone.

However, to his horror, Hyunmi started ranting about how she and he missed Jungkook and wanted to meet him.

Jungkook had laughed and told Taehyung that he was in Busan and called them to invite him to his penthouse, despite Taehyung's soft arguments on not wanting to disturb him. Jungkook was a busy CEO, while he was an idol who left his company and had nothing better to do, so he didn't want to be a bother.

However, Jungkook had assured him it was his free time, which he took out to roam around, and he wouldn't mind company, and that's the story of how Taehyung had ended up here.

Taehyung smiles back in return, while Hyunmi boldly holds Jungkook's legs, eyes wide with excitement. "It's nice to see you, Kookie. I missed you. " Hyunmi says, and Jungkook laughs with her.

"I missed you too, Hyunni. Looks like you have grown taller. " Jungkook says, scooping up from the floor while she giggles, nodding.

"I drank strawberry milk. Granma says it helps to grow taller. "

"She is right. But I have also heard that strawberry milk makes us all pink. Even your cheeks look so pink. " The CEO says, kissing her cheeks, leaving her giggling loudly, until his eyes fall on Taehyung behind, watching them fondly, and suddenly, he feels shy under that gaze.

"Don't mind me. I was admiring. " Taehyung chuckles, following the young CEO into his penthouse, taking in the minimalistic design of the place. The house looks like one of those Pinterest pictures brought to life, but seeing the lack of photos and home decor things tells Taehyung that the house isn't much lived in.

Jungkook laughs nervously, his hand still around Hyunmi as he walks deeper into his penthouse, with a very comfortable atmosphere around him. It feels so natural to see the ex-idol with a smile while Hyunmi looks excited. "Make yourself comfortable, please. "

Jungkook offers, and Taehyung does so, his eyes roaming around before he sits on the couch, with the CEO following, sitting in front with Hyunmi clinging to him, playing with the CEO's long hair. They had grown pretty long from the last time the ex-idol had seen.

Taehyung had wanted to tell the girl to get off, but Jungkook shook his head as soon as their eyes met, already knowing what the other was thinking.

"So, do you want to meet granny Sulheyeon today?" Jungkook asks, earning a charming smile from the ex-idol.

"Yeah, that's the plan. "

"Great, she said, she will be preparing lunch for us, or I was wondering if I should book a restaurant. " Jungkook said and then looked at Hyunmi. "What about Hyunni? "

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