The Meeting of a Friend's Family {Chapter I}

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If I were able to go out anywhere without having to worry about the monsters hunting, I would. I would stay with my father and be a normal kid. But of course, a demigod doesn't have normal in its job description. However, short life expectancy and danger wherever you go was part of being a demigod. Camp Half-Blood is the only safe place for us. Demigods are the children of gods, the gods from Greek mythology. Yeah, they are real. So, Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo are all real. Which also means the monsters are real.

Speaking of Apollo, the bright summer sun (more like Apollo's chariot, but I mean it still is the sun) was shining through the window, shaking me awake from my sleep. The delicious smell of the strawberries lifted my spirits.

I sat up and looked around my cabin at all of my cabin mates. Since it was the beginning of summer, there were a lot more of us than the rest of the year. I glanced down at my wrist to adjust the ribbon accessory that I always wore and rose from my bunk. Around me, my half-siblings were getting up for our morning tidy.

Our newest cabin mate, Jade Fontana, our seven-year-old sister, always has trouble waking up so I walked over to her bunk and said, "Rise and shine, sweetie." After repeating it with charmspeak, a gift from my mother, Jade finally got up.

I studied her and noticed how her dark brown hair swept down her back and her dark brown eyes, unlike many people's, were stunning and deep. She had fair skin but there was a scar towards the back of her neck from a monster she had to fight on her way to camp. She hasn't yet told me what monster it was. I guess she is still too traumatised by it to talk about it.

Anyway, she wasn't that happy to wake up. "Silenaaa, stop using your charmspeak," she whined.

"If I didn't use charmspeak, you would stay sleeping forever."

"But I like sleeping."

"I'm beginning to think you are a child of Hypnos," I joked.


"Come on. We have to get ready for breakfast." She got up and made her bed. She put on her head band that she always wore, then headed to the line at the door. As our cabin walked across the grass to the dining pavilion, I saw Clarisse. Clarisse is the daughter of Ares and she is kinda the camp bully but she really is very nice when you get to know her. At least she is to me.

I told my cabin to walk on ahead and I walked over to Clarisse.

"Hey Clarisse. I was wondering. You have a seven-year-old sister, right?" I asked.

Clarisse raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, why?"

"So, I have a sister. She's seven too. She's our newest camper. Just arrived this week. She doesn't really have camp friends except well, our cabin. I was wondering... Can your sister and mine meet and maybe they can be friends?" I hopefully asked for my sister.

"I don't see why not," Clarisse shrugged, "My sister, Gemma, just told me she will be training with the dummies in the arena after breakfast because she has free time for an hour. Maybe you could ask your sister-"

"Her name is Jade," I interrupted.

"Yes, Jade. I knew that of course. You could ask Jade to meet Gemma in the self-train section of the combat arena."

"Thank you so much Clarisse. It'll mean the world to Jade."

"Your welcome, Princess."

"Could you stop with the nicknames?"

"Not a chance, Miss Makeup."

"Ugh. That's even worse."

Clarisse laughed, "Come on, Beauty Beauregard. Let's get to breakfast."

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